Even so, paradoxically, as it seems, the phrase: "No solution" is a solution, it is the
pure truth. It is the strongest weapon against wandering, meaningless things, problems that seem irreconcilable. Problems just seem
irresolvable. The fact that you can prove that on that path, the problem in question has no solution, is a solution to the problem,
that is, a solution.
The fact that you prove that some problems have no solution or do not have a solution in that way solves the problem.
I really do not have time for the jokes. A lot of people who try to solve problems forget to consider all the variants of the answer.
A problem, solving it, begins with hypotheses, but always, to solve the problem in its entirety, we have to consider three variants:
a. The problem has an infinity of solutions,
b. The problem has one or more distinct solutions and,
c. The problem has no solutions.
The vast majority stop at b and forget that there are variants a and c. These two variants, working hypotheses, are very helpful in
a correct and complete scientific approach. People, when they found a solution, stopped searching. Usually do not look for another
one. They solved the problem and moved on. I will not deal in any way with the point a. Because a problem with an infinity of
solutions presents no stress to anyone. Anyway, we have a solution and we move on. But what do you do when you find no
solution to your problem? Are you still looking, like the fool, a solution to something that perhaps does not have a solution
on the way that you go?
Things become very serious when we work with people's lives and deaths. Humanity has been looking for a cancer solution for a very long time.
I have found it, they, everybody else, will never find it because, in the case of cancer disease, there is no solution.
Cancer is not a disease. If you continue to go on that road you will spend money and resources and you will not
find a solution to this problem, at least not as you have formulated it. If you change the paradigm, and you perceive cancer as a defense of
the cells, against the harmful factors that surround them, then you have the chance, as I have, to come back from the dead. So, "no solution"
is the solution of not spending, unnecessarily, billions of dollars on a path that will not lead to any result, or rather will lead to the
change of your optics. If you see things differently, you might not be required to see the solutions.
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are diseases that darken the minds of doctors in developed countries,
you see statistics. Maybe I should not, but I still do it because it is a concrete case of "no solutions". Many doctors, many resources,
are guided for discovering medication to treat these two diseases, which, in my view, differ only by the location and intensity of the action
of the noxious factors. In fact, the two diseases are stages of radiation illness. The place
differs in that one attacks the brain and the other attacks the nerves.
Until we have made the charts, the ones I have referred to above, I have not realized how serious the problem of developing countries is in
mastering these cruel illnesses. Now I am convinced that those diseases can not be cured by drugs. That path is closed though I saw movies
on the internet where a Parkinson's patient who consumed Marijuana in half an hour escaped the specific symptoms, stopped from shaking.
But this is not a solution. It's just covering the garbage with a carpet. If he stops consuming the drug, the symptoms return, the patient
has not healed. This is also the reason why some American states have deincriminated marijuana use, they do not control these two diseases
I'm sure now. The two serious diseases are electromagnetically generated. The Americans work very technologically, they have a monitor that
irradiates, they go out there with their cellular phone, get home and sit on laptop, cellular or other source of electromagnetic pollution.
At one point, their neurons begin to misrepresent the information and create one of these two diseases. If they do not stay at the computer,
they are very close to a TV set. They have the habit of sitting up to one meter of TV. This is the cause of the illness, and solving it is,
in no way drug-based, solving is educational. You must be re-educated in the use of potentially dangerous equipment. All time
posted in electromagnetic stress, the human body, the cells in it, will cause dysfunctions. The first will always be the nerve cells.
Why? Because they are conductors of small electric currents, called nerve impulses, and in the disturbing electromagnetic field, they
are overloaded, interacting with it. So, on the approach of doctors, that of drug treatment of the two diseases, we have the solution
"no solution".
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of this invisible pollution. As far as I can see, there is no human on this planet that
is not affected more or less. The lack of correct information and the underestimation of the power of these radiation has brought you into
the condition of sick people dependent on an equally ill system. Please also see the page explaining "cold
burn" or radiation illness.It is not my fault that you do not know about these things. Put your hand on the book, measure
it, inform yourself, and then see if it plays with the fire you're coming. Fire usually does what it knows best ... burn.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my adventures "Bubless". In this book you will
find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone. Do not you think? That's just your problem. The reality is that.