I have been struggling for a very long time to bring people's attention to a limit. What is a limit
phenomenon and why is it so hard to grasp? Somehow resembles the physical limit of an object, but
the complexity of the object must be the approach. For those who know little mathematics, it resembles
the limit concept of the Mathematical Analysis that is taught in the upper classes to the high schools
in Romania.
Only reasoning and logical deduction can help us understand the dynamics of a limit phenomenon.
Limit phenomenon is the phenomenon that runs at the limit of the measurement range.
It happens extremely slowly or extremely fast and we have no measuring tools for these phenomena.
For certain phenomena, especially for those that happen very quickly, people began to
build gauges, high-speed cameras, and began to see how things happened at one end of time. If
rapid phenomena can be observed by running the film at normal speed or slower, we can not say
the same about understanding the slow-moving phenomena.
On the opposite side of time-related phenomena, that is, in the field where things happen
slowly and very slowly, things are not that simple. These phenomena can evolve in relatively
short intervals, hours, days, or even weeks, and then people can make logical correlations
with their experiences relatively easy. But what do you do with the phenomena that happen
beyond these temporary limits? What do you do with the phenomena whose dynamics are taking
place in years, decades or even centuries?
I am referring to this type of phenomenon on this website. Watch below a movie about
logic for heat transfer to a living body.
La acest tip de fenomene mă refer eu în acest website. Urmăriți mai jos un filmu legat de logica
transferului termic către un corp viu.
Please watch the next movie carefully. It shows how a phenomenon, which the individual does not
perceive as a danger, a phenomenon that unfolds slowly, compared to a rapidly unfolding phenomenon,
as this slow-moving phenomenon can become a deadly trap, for that individual in an event of energy
growth around him. Its thermoregulation mechanism will try to keep it in functional, vital parameters,
as long as it can compensate for the energy surplus received. When this extra energy gets beyond the
thermoregulation mechanism, the cell's boiling effect occurs and the body dies.
At the end of the film, it is claimed that no animal has been injured in these filming. Let's
say it is so. For those who have no philosophical reluctance, you only have to try these things
yourself. Take a frog, put it in a pot and repeat the experience. See with your eyes what is
Why is this limit heat transfer phenomenon dangerous?
This phenomenon is, in many ways, dangerous. This limiting phenomenon will lead, if no urgent
action is taken, to the disappearance of life on Earth, and I do not joke. Here are some arguments:
1. The phenomenon is a physical phenomenon and our cells are not prepared to counteract the harmful
effect of this phenomenon. We have the information in DNA, otherwise our cells would not react,
but the slow-moving phenomenon is hard to notice intellect. The cells have already reacted.
These artificial frequencies are missing from the natural spectrum that reaches Earth. Life, in
its evolution, came out of the ocean, precisely because of the fact that certain harmful frequencies
were missing from the electromagnetic spectrum of the environment.
2. The phenomenon is highly random. It is according to our habits, the proximity to the emission source,
the radiation background in the area where we live, the signal strength and the exposure time. Exposure
time is the parameter that encompasses the two elements: EXPOSURE, meaning the existence of a signal
and time. The integral of the signal size during the exposure period is EXPOSURE, analogous to classic
photography or sunbathing, that is, "you are so black, the more exposed you are."
3. The phenomenon is slow, even very slow. Due to the relatively small intensity of the energy sent to
the cells, they are slow, unassembled and turn, like the boiled egg, into semilichid in solid. When the
transformation is complete, the solid cell is a dead cell. It is a danger to the body in which it is
located and will have to be eliminated. This was the source of my wounds. My own cleaning mechanism.
Our advantage over the egg is that we have bigger mass, we warm up harder and we still have a cold
source to unload the surplus energy the cells are bombarded with. The egg is surrounded by hot water,
we, not yet. But the environment is becoming more saturated with harmful energy.
4. We have defense mechanisms. They began to work as soon as the pollution arose. They also acted in the
1970 United States study when the increased frequency of cancers in the area of energy transmission
networks, ie high voltage lines, was found. It still works and will work until Earth's life disappears.
It is a natural law and it does not depend on anyone and nothing can stop it from acting. We can only
educate ourselves to avoid standing in the field of action of this law. Let's learn, indeed, to master
the energy. In addition to cancer, people have invented a number of other names for the same single
disease. Please read with passion with open mind the articles in the section of
diseases, from this web page, used as a medicine screen, to hide the incompetence and lack of
scientific training of doctors. It's not their fault. They are simply not prepared in this area.
He does not study such matters in the multitude of information that blocks his thinking.
5. In the experiment above, it is stated that the frog manifests itself as it would have cold blood,
and we have a thermoregulation mechanism. But it's not like that. You can also do a simple experiment.
Take a bath in two ways. You suddenly enter the hot water valve and you will come out very quickly
from the valve. Then, on another day, enter the water-filled valve at body temperature. Then let
go of hot water. You will notice that you will not feel this thermal shock and you will be able to
increase the water temperature above the temperature of the one that suddenly left you out of the
tub. This is not about blood. This is about tricking danger sensors. This is the limit phenomenon.
That slow-moving phenomenon that falsifies our personal protection system. We're leaving the
bathroom red like the boiled crab. Almost takes the skin off of us. Evidence? We have a lot. Take the
UK newspapers. The oldest when people warmed their bathtubs to bathe. Many of them made their last
bath in their lives. They boiled alive because they did not feel the heat that was coming slowly
around their bodies. What other evidence do you want? I hope you do not want to boil any one just
to prove these things.
Are you playing with fire? Why do you wonder that the fire is burning?
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of these invisible rays. Every human organ, near the transmitting center,
the cellular phone antennae, will be more or less affected, depending on the degree of exposure to harmful radiation.
See also what I wrote about radiation illness, and if you think this
information needs to be known by others, spread it. You do not keep them secret. Secrets will kill us for days.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my adventures "Soap bubbles" .
In this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone.