Everyone, absolutely all, has the right to speak. But no one has the right to ignore the scientific demonstrations .
These are found in books in libraries, but you can do it yourself.
"Nobody was born taught." Please understand the following. I am a person exactly like you. I'm probably a
man with more synthesis capacity, but still, I'm a man just like you. I'm not a person who wants to hurt you. What you read
in the following lines is not written to humiliate you or to lift me a pedestal. Far from me this thought. Everything that
is written here is based on experience. To be able to communicate effectively with you, you have to train yourself, and I
promise you that I will try, as far as possible, to simplify the explanations so much that you understand what I am trying
to convey to you. To approve, or to fight me, if that's what you want, we need to speak the same language. Scientific
language. Science is based on measurements, not words or impressions. Measure and then talk. You do not measure, we have
nothing to talk about, or we will have sterile discussions and it will be a great waste of time for both of us. You want
to continue to believe what you feel. there is absolutely no problem. Create your own explanations for your sufferings. What
I say here is reproducible by anyone. Anyone can repeat these experiences and get exactly the same conclusions as me.
Physics is not negotiating, it works the same way, next to me, as there, beside you, it acted in antiquity in the modern
times and will act the same in the future.
The pollution I'm talking about leaves you disarmed. You do not perceive it with natural senses. It is invisible, insipid,
odorless, can not be touched or heard, but it is very dangerous and extremely toxic. The moment you feel it you are in one
of these two variants. The body gives you signals about a dangerous area you are in, and you know how to interpret these
signals correctly and get out of the dangerous area or do not know how to interpret them, stay in the dangerous area over
normal and your body will give you the signal through unbearable pain or will even develop reactions that will be
interpreted as diseases by doctors. When you start to feel the radiation is late, very late. As an early sign of
radiation contamination, you must know that the dry mouth you have all the time is the first symptom of this atypical
"sunburn," which is actually the radiation illness. Or, in other words, sunstroke is a mild form of radiation illness.
I can not stop my research until they are correctly perceived by everyone. Christ invented a religion to spread his
teachings. His teachings spread for two thousand years in the Christian world. You do not have this time.
I do not even have it. The pollution I'm talking about is killing in 5-6 years under certain conditions.
Moreover, weapons have already been built that kill surely, from a distance and without leaving traces, based on
these phenomena. I, however, believe it is not a willful action for depopulation. I can not believe that someone
on this planet is so stupid to have invented a method of reducing the population and to be cynical to get the
victims to finance their own disappearance. My brain refuses to believe that. But let's not forget that Hitler
has set the Jews to pay their way to the camp. So times, start thinking, or suffer and, under
certain conditions, sooner or later, you will die but not in 30-50 years as normal, much faster. Already dies
because of this misery. Absolutely everything in this website is based on our own experience, the knowledge gained
in high school and faculty and the physical laws already proven for many years.
Ready to talk - physical laws.
It's about energy and how it works. Scientists have agreed to consider the universe surrounding us as being composed
of substance and force fields. The substance or matter, as it is known to physicists, has two fundamental dimensions
of mass and energy. Mass is a body size that causes inertia and / or gravity, and energy is a scalar measure that
measures the degree of motion. The relationship between them, unanimously accepted at the present level of knowledge,
was stated by Albert Einstein (1879-1955) strong> in the famous formula of relativity E = mc² .
So mass is energy and energy is mass. This relationship was developed by another modern thinker called Louis
de Broglie (1892-1987) that pushed the concept of duality further by claiming that the substance can be
corpusculum and wave in the same time. I do not want to enter into these realities of modern physics, unanimously
accepted at this time. Another formula puts me in thought. It is the formula of Max Plank (1858-1947)
, a German physicist who in 1918 received the Nobel Prize for this formula
E = h * f . This formula has not yet been challenged or denied.
Although, the phenomenon is more complex because of the electromagnetic wave propagation and attenuation features, it
is principally the increase of wave energy proportional to the oscillation frequency. There is nothing in this
formula, amplitude, intensity that suggests how strong the wave is. This formula, me, horrifies me. Why? Because
they are people who play God and not very well.
Explanations of wave action based on Max Plank formula
Let's make a logical deduction. What does digital transmission mean? Digital transmission means the transmission of a
string of combinations of two values "0" and "1", or low voltage and a large value. The transition between the two
values in today's technology takes place very quickly. This assumes that there are harmonics in the digital signal
spectrum that tend to infinity as frequency. Consequently, correlated with Max Plank's formula, the energy transported
by these wave harmonics tends to infinity. Under certain conditions, function and the depth of penetration of the
environment, from the distance to the source, a living cell can be bombarded by infinite energy. This surplus of
energy will rack up the cell and cause it to defend itself from unwanted energy. This is the explanation of how
digital transmission can affect us. How to protect the cell from the unnecessary energy surplus I will treat it
on the special cancer page. This is because the cell defense in front of the aggressive electromagnetic attack is
CANCER , however we turn it back. This once and for all solves the question: if cancer is
ever cured. My answer is very short: NO. Cancer will never be cured because cancer itself is a kind of
healing. Remove the body from the toxic environment and you have automatically escaped cancer.
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of these invisible rays. Every human organ, near the transmitting center,
the cellular phone antennae, will be more or less affected, depending on the degree of exposure to harmful radiation.
See also what I wrote about radiation illness, and if you think this
information needs to be known by others, spread it. You do not keep them secret. Secrets will kill us for days.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my adventures "Soap bubbles" .
In this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone.