People have since spoken and heard. Sensible sharing of ideas is called communication . This involves the existence
of at least one emitter, the talking individual, and at least one receiver, the listening individual.
After they became pet animals, a few million years ago, people began to synthesize the basics of
communication. They did not cry to each other, they began to articulate words to modulate expressions
and structure ideas. They formed the basis of communication . So, what is communication?
I quote from Wikipedia: "Communication is a set of actions that have in common the transmission of
information in the form of messages, news, symbolic signs or gestures, written texts, and so forth
between two individuals, called interlocutors, or more formal, transmitter and receiver. Not to be
confused with the communication devices called the transmitter and the radio receiver, which they
use in remote communications = telecommunication. "
The previous definition is simple and extremely scholastic but contains one of the essential elements
of communication, namely the transfer of information. This is the essential element in communication
and for this information transfer to occur, as in technique the transmitter and receiver element must
follow a basic rule. They must be awarded . In technique, this is done by assigning
the transmitter and receiver to the same frequency. People are even simpler: The two
broadcasters and the handset must speak the same language .
Let me give you an example, epaulettes, because I have a tooth against the secrets. In the army, in
important places where essential information is transmitted, the receiver is obliged to repeat exactly
what has emitted the transmitter. This solves a problem, that is, it shows the transmitter that the
order has been received as it was transmitted, but it does not show in any way whether it was understood.
This eliminates transmission errors but does not eliminate execution errors. In order to eliminate the
execution errors, the receiver must, in one way or another, be put in a position to think about these
orders and especially to execute what he understands.
Let me give you an example, epaulettes, because I have a tooth against the secrets. In the army, in
important places where essential information is transmitted, the receiver is obliged to repeat exactly
what has emitted the transmitter. This solves a problem, that is, it shows the transmitter that the order
has been received as it was transmitted, but it does not show in any way whether it was understood. This
eliminates transmission errors but does not eliminate execution errors. In order to eliminate the execution
errors, the receiver must, in one way or another, be put in a position to think about these orders and
especially to execute what he understands.
As much as we strive to simplify things, communication is not a simple matter. When the levels of
knowledge of individuals differ greatly, communication is very difficult, even impossible. If the
broadcaster maintains a high level of communication, he risks becoming a monologue, meaning
speak alone . His biggest dilemma, however, is another. He can not lower the bar anyway.
Because then, communication loses its scientific support. So, a compromise has to be made somewhere,
in order for the explanation to be correctly understood, in the usual language, the transmitter must
in the first instance master the subject and then make analogies with simple elements of real life.
Let me give you a simple example : Everyone has lit a candle in his life. If you
pass your palm over the flame very quickly, you will feel warm, but the skin will not be burned.
But try not to move her. Hold your hand in the flame. You'll have a very big burn. The
same happens with cell phones . If you talk too much about them, your cells will be burned
by the transmitter's energy in the cellular phone. This is beyond the reach of exposures. It is a
slow and diffuse burning phenomenon, yet it is an important thermal transfer from
(microwave) electromagnetic wave to living cell. There is also a series of defense elements
that the cell takes. That's why I'm going to ask you to look at the
cancer page.
What does this have to do with communication? Has a very large connection.
Someone, I mean, is trying to warn you of a danger. That someone emit, but nobody, or too few, are on
the reception. In this case, there is no communication.
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of these invisible rays. Every human organ, near the
transmitting center, the cellular phone antennae, will be more or less affected, depending on the
degree of exposure to harmful radiation. See also what I wrote about
radiation illness, and if you think this information needs to be known by others,
spread it. You do not keep them secret. Secrets will kill us for days.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my adventures
"Soap bubbles" . In this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations
explained to everyone.