The world health system is a health hazard. The work of a doctor is, first and foremost, an
investigative work. The doctor, the doctor, is a detective in the service of health.
A detective who does not judge may favor the escape of his offender, and, more seriously, the punishment
of an innocent. Today's medicine is a medicine that no longer removes the cause of the disease.
Today's medicine treats symptoms, effects.
The cause of the disease is not eliminated. The disease is not healed.
Symptomatic treatments are very clearly named in the people. They are hiding garbage
under pressure. By treating the symptoms, it is lost sight of the cause of the disease.
The body is deceived, it is forced to heal, even if the "cause of the disease" element is not
removed from the mechanism, the process of producing the disease. As the cause remains hidden,
the disease-causing element is functional and will act again in the same way and cause disease.
You will be eternally ill and your body enters a vicious circle. That something
that causes you illness will act again, always the same, and will produce the same symptoms,
effects on your body. You will be eternal sick who, on the basis of ignorance
and fear of illness, nourish a system as ill, if not worse, as you.
The system lives on the money. The entity that moves the system is not looking after you. Only
money moves the system and the fear of death, which is a very stimulating element for the system's
revenues. So you are lied to make the sanitary system and a large number of profiteers to mellow
you, the most correct term, of the few money you have and to nourish a world monstrosity built
on a few small, unfortunately fundamental ones.
"Noli turbare circulos meos!"(Do not ruin my circles) It was the sentence
that brought, according to legend or history, the death of Archimedes, the famous mathematician
and physicist of antiquity.
Disposing of an entire library, sometimes resetting is not only computer, is
extremely painful. Nobody, just dementia, can throw cards on fire. The accident from antiquity,
with the burning of the Alexandria library among many others, has led to a natural reset of human
society. Burning the library is a symbol. But the loss of certain knowledge has cast the entire
earth globe into the darkness of the dark age. Fools have come to lead the world by force and
dictate. Even now we are not much smarter. Even today, fools and jeers lead
the world.
The awakening of the lie was, and is, very painful.
It is very painful for me, an educated man, to say what will follow. Humanity may be in a situation
similar to that of antiquity. A series of human knowledge is built on untruths. All concepts,
theories that go from false concepts are false. For over 7000 years, medicine is tributary to
observations. Physicians were fine observers, but they only saw what they showed, what they
perceived with their senses. I do not have to offend them or even disregard them, but a
doctor is not a rabble , and we, as people, have to see the realities. A physician is
an educated person, a working person, a diligent person, and is set to do good first of all. It
has a small problem that might be essential. The doctor can not reasonably think. Do not
jump on me. I just did. We might be throwing a large part of world medical knowledge
into the basket. This is because they are based on false data, on erroneous deductions, and based
on them were created equally false concepts and procedures. However painful it may be, at some
point we will have to look at the truth in the face. Mankind has been lonely for several
thousand years. Doctors, do not be sad, you, your training, you are just a consequence, an effect.
The cause is the primordial lie, the primary lie, on which the entire edifice of the sanitary
system has been built.
The doctor is the slave of the faulty faculty in the faculty. The large
amount of raw information he needs to store, sometimes unnecessarily, in his brain is to the
detriment of reasoning, logical thinking. It is a fundamental distinction between an
engineer and a physician. That's why I have great advantages over doctors. In our
faculties, the vast majority, based on physics, mathematics, logic, system theory, us, engineers,
teachers teach us to reason. Nobody teaches doctors this. They remain with the exercises practiced
during high school. If I remember them again. Instead, it loads in memory, hard, much data. These
data, in the absence of normal, causal reasoning, are just a ballast, they are a brake on the
exercise of intelligence. In addition, the immense amount of data, stored inappropriately,
prematurely uses a non-existent brain. All these things, what I am writing to you now are logical
observations and deductions. We are all built the same way. We all think of a brain, the same.
The difference is how to use it. That's to see that I do not consider myself smarter than others,
not even smarter, but just more exerted in these logical deductions and causal-based mechanisms of
There is an objective cause that we will need, that we want or do not want, whether we like it or
not, to throw a good part of the world's medical library at the trash. I do not play with the words,
it does not matter to me. I am not a follower of the theory of conspiracy, though I am annoyed by
the "conspiracy" of stupidity on intelligence. He takes his head. strong> Drawing deeper
into knowledge, we will see that another element that nobody takes into account is hard to accept
for those who do not have the mathematical, physically and conceptually developed device, something
else hidden, causes us suffering. At first, we can say, a crude estimate, 100% of the
diseases on the planet are caused by this element hidden to our senses, but the most important
thing is that it is hidden to the profane. Strong> We all know the effects beneficial to the
fire but also the destructive ones, but we are so infatuated and proud that we can not burn. None
of the doctors, or very few, have focused on studying physical elements in disease progression.
Everyone repeats, like monkeys, one after another, that we have viruses, bacteria, fungi, or other
problems, but none of them says anything about the fire. Yes, good morning, we also have physics
on the planet, and fire, energy, is part of nature, an extremely dangerous part of nature.
Well, the energy used chaotically and without discernment is a determining factor in the occurrence
of cancer-like reactions in animal cells, and energy is invisible and undetectable with
natural senses. The energy can only be measured. That's why doctors are disarmed. Their information
and concepts end here. From here begins the field of physicists and engineers.
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of this invisible pollution. As far as I can see, there is no human on
this planet that is not affected more or less. The lack of correct information and the underestimation of the power of these
radiation has brought you into the condition of sick people dependent on an equally ill system. Please also see the page
explainingradiation illness.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my passions "Soap bubbles".
In this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone. Do not you think? That's
just your problem. The reality is that.
In order to support our work, to reveal the hidden and uncomfortable truths for the villains, please donate
as much as you think. The purpose of this money is to purchase recording devices for this pollution,
sophisticated and extremely expensive appliances. This website is maintained and maintained on the waterline
with my personal effort. It will work as long as I breathe, and at the same time, I will publish
scientifically proven, factual information based on causality and motivation, the only real motors
of mankind. The equipment is not necessary to prove me. I have proven everything I say. The apparatus
is necessary to protect innocents by demonstrating to the authorities the world genocide to which I am
forced to assist helplessly. In other words, ... I speak alone.