The shocking truth, put under too long, will come to light and we will overwhelm with the horrors and the hardness of reality.
Think positively? How can you think positively when we have such horrors on the planet. Span> Those people live among us.
They are living evidence that life struggles to exist. They are not cursed. Why do not we do something to eliminate
the cause for which they are so? Do not be any more. We may only want to.
Technological education can eliminate malformations and some of the infirmities at birth.
Symptomatic thinking is the greatest sin of mankind. Treating effects leaves their active cause, and it will produce effects at all times.
People are still around the truth. Do anything to uncover the truth. They will hide the truth by any means, including by lying to themselves.
Since ancient times there have been malformations that initially people regarded as curiosities. These anomalies, deformities and certain
diseases were exploited financially at the circus. The horrors were exposed to wonder what nature can do. None or very few were
asking the issue of eliminating the cause of these phenomena. We can not say that today we are in another situation, that we have woken
up a little. The same symptomatic thinking darkens our future as a species. Now, we help ourselves, the nature, through the pollution
generated by each one, to serve our species even more.
Look at the truth in front. Just luck prevented you from showing the same. Look at them, they have no blame for being so. Perhaps you
will wake up and, except for mutilations of known, mechanical or chemical causes, you will see beyond the pride, the reality of the
malformation. In the above carousel, you see a series of malformations that we believe are from birth. If we do not remove the cause
of their production, or even amplify it, mankind has absolutely no chance of seeing yet another millennium. We will make out of the
Earth another barren stone that will wander through the Universe. The carousel begins with a suggestive picture we have created and
is content with, and somewhere is a dwarf woman with a child, perfectly normal in her hands, probably her child. This picture proves
that nanism is not a genetic defect, but that the defect is one acquired during the mum's embryonic evolution that breaks the curse
of malformation and gives birth to a normal child. Do you think about the reality and the novelty of this statement? Do you
think how badly we have been, by now, through flawed, symptomatic thinking?
The truth will not be long before it appears to us. But will we be able to look at it? Will we have
the ability to get over the pride, over the misinformation, over the comfortable illusions, and see the
naked truth? Or we will continue to hide garbage under the vow of hope that this can not happen to us.
The following video does not belong to me. It is taken from a person on the internet. It's the right
of this person on this video-clip. The film was made in a Catholic country that forbids abortion.
I just have to signal to you what must awaken your mind. This child has no genetic defect
as many, so called scholars, want to make you believe. The child's members were burned at the time
of embryo development in the uterus. Look, wonder, why this pollution can be done. Fight
for your life. Stop staying passive.
Does that kind of information oriplicate you? And it does not make me any pleasure to process such
true information with such misfortunes. But we can not ignore reality at infinite. Do not
you really care if you live well or are you cursed by God to be inertial to reality? Who brains
your brain? Can not you think? Or are you stuck in positive thinking? These realities,
which are not only positive, will awaken us, but the awakening will become more and more tough as
this dementia will advance into people's consciousness. They will become addicted to misfortune.
They will feed on the misfortunes of others until the misfortune will strike them directly.
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of these invisible rays. As far as I can see, there is no man on this planet
that is not affected, more or less. Ignoring invisible danger leaves you disarmed. The fact that painful signals transmitted
by your body come too late, sometimes coming too late to save you, brings you into a major risk situation. I think you should
document your radiation illness. I do not think it's too advisable to
ignore these warnings. But as the priest says: "Blessed are the poor in the spirit that theirs will be the kingdom
of heaven" Be careful not to come faster than you expect.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my adventures "Soap bubbles". In
this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone.