The effects of energy in the body's cells cause the aging process to accelerate. Energy accumulation
causes the cells to boil, a slow gelatin transformation into solids. The phenomenon is similar to boiling
the egg in a pot of water. There is an extremely slow boiling, and if the boiling speed exceeds
that of the natural replacement of the cells, it causes dysfunction in the affected organs.
Correct information penetrates hard in people's heads. This process is natural and artificial at the same
time. Naturally, it takes people a long time to assimilate information, understand it, and accept it. But
there are also a number of bastards who lie to freeze the waters in the hope that they will conceal the
truth at infinite.
On this page I will show you my version of the sometimes premature death of celebrities and people
familiar to the public. The use of images that are collected from the Internet, being public, is not
intended to defeat the memory of these people, but rather to try to make other people, the survivors
aware of the immense danger represented by artificially shortening our lives through exposure to all
kinds of toxic energy. In any case, death, especially among people under the age of 60, can
not be considered "natural death."
I chose stars for two very clear reasons. First of all, to show the impartiality and implacability
of the "punishments" received from the laws of nature, unrepentant, with or without knowledge of
these people. And, secondly, practical, there were photos available on the Internet and everyone
could find them on a simple search. I chose the representative photos of what I want to tell about
the cause of the person's death.
What should you watch on attached pictures?
You should generally notice, especially in premature deaths. The pronounced eyebrows in the
corner of the eyes and the pre-tanned white hair. These are signs of artificial aging, forced under
the action of microwaves. These are the flare symptoms of exposure to electromagnetic radiation.
These photos are probably not the most representative to present unfavorable developments. If I
find pictures closer to the moment of death I will present them. But it is a delicate situation
and I do not want to cause pain to the families of these deceased. Let them be "sleepy"
smoothly. All those presented have died at a non-dying age.
20 July 1943 - 5 November 2010 (67 years) - official cause of death:
October 26, 2010 he was admitted to intensive care at Floresca Hospital in Bucharest with several
vital organ problems caused by pulmonary edema. He also had kidney problems in the liver and heart.
My Comments:
As Adrian Paunescu's photo shows, it has been severely dehydrated due to exposure to an artificial
source of power, perhaps microwaves in communications devices, smartphones, and Wi-Fi routers. That
is, he suffered a massive microwave contamination. Body exposure to microwave radiation is evidenced
by eyebrows in the corner of the eyes showing a massive dehydration throughout the body's mass. In
addition, gray hair to white-dirty, tern is another proof of microwave contamination. The admission
diagnosis also shows a crash of the organs, and after some sources it would have been suffering from
an untreated diabetes. See also my findings on DIABET. In any
case, the dignostic, the findings from emergency hospitalization show a generally poor and poor
survival. A generalized cancer as if it had been roasted alive, slow, and low.
7 April 1931 - 12 December 1983 (52 years) - the official cause of death:
One of the biggest actors that Romania has had in her life is leaving. Amza Pellea died, only at
age 52, from lung cancer.
My Comments:
Amza Pellea is one of the titans of Romanian theater, television and film. The fact that he was
"distracting" and bothering made him uncomfortable for the villains of the time. And then those
bastards, who are the parents of today's wicked men, had methods of elimination, efficient and
traceable. Do you want to know how to eliminate the security of the people that were undesirable?
You're gonna say I'm fooling. My grandfather, Greek-Catholic priest, in a village in Transylvania,
died 65 years old, under the same obscure conditions as this great actor. I have no proof? You
may be surprised how much evidence I have, and all of it based on physics. My grandfather
received a gift, a sponge of beautiful rock. My grandfather worked a lot in the office. That
object, originally from radioactive material, now I do not know if they did not replace it with
an inert. But, of course, the great Amza also received such a radioactive object that he kept
very close to him. It induced the reaction called CANCER, ,
and the incompetent doctors treated him so well that they sent him to see the Creator faster.
Evidence? Look at the big actor picture, the comparative picture, in the encircled areas. There
are formations that have also appeared on my skin because of the reaction to radiation emanating
from an object she loved. (Cellular in my case, but then they were not cellular, it could be a
medallion, a pendant, something that would have been kept very close to its body.) Personally,
I was terrified when I saw this picture and when I realized that the awkward peaks are suppressed.
14 January 1962 - 19 March 2018 (56 years) - official cause of death:
The journalist was found in his own bath, breathless, after a cardio-respiratory arrest. (Free
translation, his days are over.)
My Comments:
That is, the human heart and lungs stopped, without being obviously ill. But if you look at the image
of the radio man, you will see the same dry hair, tern, gray, with the fiery thread, and in the corner
of your eyes the same obvious signs of chronic dehydration caused by exposure to harmful microwaves
from communications equipment in his home and around it Dehydration occurs throughout the body's body
slowly, slowly, the body turns solid, and the heart is subjected to an extra effort that induces
premature heart wear. At one point the heart succumbs, then death is set in an autosufocated body
of overly high viscosity. That's when the heart itself was not blocked by the same electromagnetic
28 November 1949 - 14 September 2015 (66 years) - official cause of death:
Vadim Tudor died in the Army's Cardiovascular Disease Emergency Clinical Center, where he
was transported after having been harmed. His condition has worsened after admission, apparently,
it is believed, that he would have had a myocardial infarction.
My Comments:
As in the above-mentioned cases, it has been very difficult for me to find shots with TRIBUNIUM,
without goggles, overwhelmingly wide, which masks the wrinkles in the corner of my eyes. However,
a few have escaped. The same thin, fragile and gray hair in the late-life pictures. All this shows
massive dehydration caused by microwave pollution. And Vadim Tudor was a "big mouth". I would not
wonder if you were helped to go to the Creator. However, lately, due to the proliferation of
wireless communications, the ether has been filled up to the refusal, in some places, with harmful
energy to our cells. No one else has to kill you, you kill yourself and you are very excited to do
it. Especially because you gave a bunch of money to the tool with which you perform the involuntary
suicide operation.
16 October, 1962 - 22 November, 2017 (55 years) - official cause of death:
If you do not know about who we are talking about, we are talking about a renowned world-renowned
baritone in Russia. The cause of death was established as a brain tumor, a brain tumor.
My Comments:
I was born on October 12 of the same year. Just about the same time that the famous opera singer was
diagnosed with cancer, I was struggling to convince the world that she was in a huge microwave oven,
and the main way we are ourselves. Those two years, he'd save this man. It's hard for artists to
notice those dehydration feelings. They're constantly making up, and you can not find pictures of
the actual picture, but the deduction works here as well. The man did not have white hair, although
he was Russian, he had an open brown hair that eventually became white. Photographs show, however,
massive dehydration of the entire body. Anyway, 55 years is not an age to die for. I'm 56, now, and
I was cleaning up at age 51.
4 October 1943 - 5 August 2007 (64 years) - official cause of death:
On July 30, 2007, Pittiş was admitted to the Fundeni Oncology Institute. The disease that brought him up,
prostate cancer has been diagnosed for over a year, during which Pittiş has regularly prescribed
prescribed treatments. He is buried with Masonic honors.
My Comments:
Membership of an esoteric organization does not make you smarter or immune to the implacable actions
of physical laws, especially when you turn over uninformed and incompetent as our doctors. Apart
from ifose, our doctors have a great sin. They never liked the physics, nor did they ask the patients
what bad habits they have or do not care about in what environment they live in. I, I only make a
supposition, but one based on logic, especially because I had the same bad habits. My advantage was
that I was much younger in 2007, and I had not met the exposure norm yet, but I was still a shit,
and I was wearing the cell in my pants pockets. Well, guess at what distance your prosthetic pocket
pockets are? Great? Not. Look at the same problems with others, hair and circles.
31 August 1961 - 26 September 2016 (55 years) - official cause of death:
All of us, I think we remember the scandal after the artist's death, that with the ambulance
stutter. Two SMURD crews went on the scene. It was a cardiorespiratory stop iresuscitabil.
My Comments:
In my opinion, at the massive dehydration degree of the artist, he had absolutely no chance of being
resuscitated. His cells said "STOP PLAY". They did not contain the proportion of water needed to
support life. I think the image next to it is very relevant to what I have said. Wrinkles in the
corner of the eyes, under the eyes and gray hair are clear evidence of massive contamination with
electromagnetic radiation, most likely in the microwave field, coming from wireless communication
24 December 1967 - 30 July 2017 (49 years) - official cause of death:
The singer was diagnosed with cancer in April. Until then, the relatives say, the artist had no pain
and suffered no illness. The cancer had a galloping evolution. The doctors did everything they could.
They operated it, followed all the procedures they knew. It was a too large tumor when they found it,
it contained several organs, "said Freedom, a close friend of the family of the artist. (Freedom)
My Comments:
Doctors did all they could? Not. The doctors did everything they knew. The problem is that in this field,
physics and interaction of cellular radiation, physicians are cramped incompetence, some imbeciles,
poor butchers. From the next picture, made in 2016 at Radio România Actualităţi, I see the effects
of microwaves on the artist's body. The rings under the eyes, the massive wrinkles in the corner of
the eyes, and if you look carefully at the dyed hair, under the hide of the defective hair, they see
the roots, a characteristic sign of radiation contamination. The age of 49 is not an age to die, no
matter how much you tell me. See what I'm saying about CANCER.
May God give you a mind and escape with life.
February 24, 1955 - October 5, 2011 (56 years) - official cause of death:
In October 2003 he was diagnosed with "a rare form of pancreatic cancer". Rare, in free translation,
doctors have no idea what it is. Endocrine pancreatic tumors was, in the end, the diagnosis of doctors.
Comentariile mele:
I suspect that the tailor killed Steve Jobs. Do not you believe me? It's just a moment of momentum that
will pass you when you read the logical arguments I will expose to you, but first examine this photo
that looks very close to the date of his death. Observe the dull hair at a fairly young age, the same
trenches that leave the corner of the eyes, and the massive bags under the eyes are there, present,
just like the other premature deaths.
Let's take them in turn, and you will see that the arguments that the tailor is guilty of the death of
the great man are not mere speculations. They are cynical and extremely true findings and an example
of a "scapegoat". Remember how he was dressed most of the time by Steve Jobs.
He was dressed in a light jacket, at almost all the presentations that made the new Aple products.
Where's the inside jacket and jacket of a man's pocket? . On the left side of the
body. When we hold a cellular phone in the inside pocket of our coat, we place it in the normal
position to speak the Inner Antenna of the cellular phone in the lower position of the phone so
that when it is used, to pass in front of the user in the inside pocket of his coat, positioned
just 2 cm from the pancreas. Hence, if it is in operation, it bombards the non-stop pancreas
and creates its dysfunction by inducing a disease called diabetes.
or if massive bombing continues, the cells will defend themselves by generating
tumors or CANCER. May God give you a mind and escape from
misinformation. The macabre junk with the criminal tailor is just the warning I'm trying to make
you realize that things, customs that you thought banal, innocuous, in the presence of transmitters
are deadly traps.
21 September 1952 - 16 September 2000 (48 years) - official cause of death:
The artist died at Fundeni Hospital, operated by a huge tumor covering her entire abdomen. Valeriu
Sterian was in the process of killing at fault, driving a car under the influence of alcoholic
beverages, and the accident resulted in the death of some victims.
My Comments:
Valeriu Sterian was a "big mouth" man. The accident he probably caused was also a "hand of destiny". To
what the singer was singing and what he was saying through the lyrics of his songs was a poor chance of
dying of good death in his bed. As in Romania the assassinations, so common in other parts of the world,
were not good, something had to be framed by the fact that they were too connected to all. The most
convenient way to eliminate it was that of the disease, so it was more certain (cellular phones already
existed and belts to be worn at belt, belts or belts.) Probably the abdominal generalized tumor . It
would be interesting to know these details. I personally wore the cell so precisely in the 2000s when
I made New Year's Eve in Crete with one of my associates ever since. So I remember the bad habits I
had, and I guess the artist was somewhat stronger than mine, plus a radio buckle to speed up the
process. It goes without saying that the latter is a supposition.
One more time. These pictures and comments are put here as a mockery for those left alive.
To the dead, let them sleep smoothly, and in this way they give them a last tribute to them and a
pious thought of comforting the mourning families. My goal is not to disturb their sleep or to relieve
them, their memory strong> Clean your garbage and you will not die for "unknown" causes. You will
have the chance to be properly informed and if you are smart, you will use this information to have
a long and healthy life. Since May 14, 2014, we have not put anything in our mouths. Can
you tempt a perspective?
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of these invisible rays. As far as I can see, there is no man on this planet
that is not affected, more or less. Ignoring invisible danger leaves you disarmed. The fact that painful signals transmitted
by your body come too late, sometimes coming too late to save you, brings you into a major risk situation. I think you should
document your radiation illness. I do not think it's too advisable to
ignore these warnings. But as the priest says: "Blessed are the poor in the spirit that theirs will be the kingdom
of heaven" Be careful not to come faster than you expect.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my adventures "Soap bubbles". In
this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone.