Our environment is full of evidence of microwave action on living organisms. Microwave exposure takes water from living organisms.
Water vaporises in the atmosphere and, under certain conditions, it condenses to form mist or clouds. The age of satellites brings us closer
to the truth. But do we want to see the truth? I would never have imagined the scale of this phenomenon if I did not see these images.
See next to a GIF animation from images taken over by a geostationary satellite.
This animation, very suggestive, is taken over from Oklahoma State. See how steam is generated at the ground level. The clouds look as if
they were boiling, somebody there, a soup. Comparison is not far from the truth. Down there, there are American cities where living organisms,
plants, insects, animals and humans are boiling very slowly and emitting water vapor. Probably the same thing happens in our cities. There,
in Oklahoma, it's a heavily supervised area due to the fact that it is located on the tornado trail. This area is a separate geographical
area. Soil compaction, air currents, and natural thermodynamics favor the production of circular storms called tornadoes.
As you can see, at the ground level are the American cities that behave like steam generators. What is the heat source needed to
produce so much steam? The sun can not be, because the atmosphere does not act like a magnifying glass, it does not concentrate
the energy at certain points. And why would it focus on fixed and exact cities? So the source is artificial and is in the city?
Yes, the source is the energy emitted by microwave communication devices, mainly but also due to accidental pollution from the parasitic
radiation emitted by electrical appliances.
If there is a scale to develop the cloud of clouds from the living beings on the ground, it means that the whole planetary thermodynamics
is distorted by the billions of electromagnetic misery that is beside you. Want to be smart? Make comparisons all the time and you'll be
smart. That's why I'm smart and I'm telling you this, I'm making comparisons. Here's one: There are also roads down there, and American
roads are certainly crowded with vehicles that remove water vapor, carbon dioxide and other gases. We blame fuel consumption for global
warming. Do you see a stream of vapors out of the truck? Not? What would that mean, that the cars are to blame, right? Well,
no. Excessive microwave consumption is to blame. It badly damages your health and the health of the planet.
Ne plângem că nu ne este bine. Dar, nici unul dintre noi nu-și pune întrebări fundamentale. De
ce? Pentru că nu avem pregătirea necesară sau nu dorim să aflăm răspunsul la acele întrebări?
Eu sunt o persoană ce știe să pună întrebări, dar, mai ales, știe răspunsurile la întrebări, ba găsesc
și dovezile care să-mi confirme presupunerile. Nu dați vina pe mine pentru că voi nu doriți să
gândiți. Este doar problema voastră. Eu vă arăt dovezile.
Anii trecuți s-au iscat o serie de incendii în zonele subtropicale. Anul acesta, din nou, s-au prăjit
oameni, animale, plante și au fost foarte multe victime. Nimeni, suficient de întreg la cap
nu se poate bucura de un dezastru. El, însă vine ca o confirmare a tuturor celor expuse de mine în
acest website. Iată alte dovezi ale acțiunii microundelor nocive. Copacii care ard din interior către
exterior. Microundele au uscat atăt de tare lemnul copacilor, din interior către exterior, că
aceștia au ajuns la combustie spontană. Aveți mai jos o serie de imagini care, arată cum copacii ard din
interior către exterior și nu se poate afirma că sunt într-un incendiu. Unele poze arată că vegetația
din jurul copacilor nu are nici cea mai mică intenție să ardă.
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of these invisible rays. As far as I can see, there is no man on this planet
that is not affected, more or less. Ignoring invisible danger leaves you disarmed. The fact that painful signals transmitted
by your body come too late, sometimes coming too late to save you, brings you into a major risk situation. I think you should
document your radiation illness. I do not think it's too advisable to
ignore these warnings. But as the priest says: "Blessed are the poor in the spirit that theirs will be the kingdom
of heaven" Be careful not to come faster than you expect.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my adventures "Soap bubbles". In
this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone.