Geographic position is very important. It helps you track the evolution of any information in the territory. But the information
unrelated to each other, from a territorial point of view, does not give a clear relationship. If we look at the spread of
mobile phone towers in the United States we will see that they are very well correlated with the distribution disease, but this is
not evidence.
The statistical method of viewing cases from certain diseases in the territory is not an exact method.
I admit that I wanted to cheat a bit about the geographical distribution of diseases in the United States correlated with the spread of
microwave relay. Though I still maintain that microwaves create large dysfunctions in the human body, starting with cells and ending
with the brain, I can not use this distribution in the demonstration. Why? Simple. The distribution of mobile telephony towers is
correlated with the number of individual calls, this is directly correlated with the population density, which, simply by simply
distributing it, gives the same distribution of the number of diseases in that area. It could help me, however, with another
distribution, and I suggest that the distribution of cases of disease be carried over to the population density in that area. This
eliminates the normal distribution of statistics and the values obtained can be used to prove the influence of technology on the
number of diseases.
Having access to primary data, only on graphical representations, can not do this study. But it remains an example of the possibility
of proof, the representation in space of the number of cases in relation to the population density in the measuring area, then these
values put in a color scale and barely these values represented on the map.
It is a suggestion for physicians to be able to eliminate the normal concentration of urban agglomerations simply because there are
more people in that place. The method of territory representation of diseases is very good, but it presents traps of this kind that
can lead you to erroneous conclusions.
Disease distribution in the United States
The picture collapse below is exactly what I've mentioned before. The blue map is the map of the mobile towers. It's a false proof.
We can not use that. The mere crowding of the inhabitants in certain areas, if we have a constant percentage of the disease in
relation to a fixed number of inhabitants, leads to exactly the same distribution. Reporting, for example, the number of
illnesses in that locality to the number of inhabitants of that locality, is useful. The variation given by the density of
that locality is canceled as an influence, and then we have other readable information. As I do not have access to US
databases, I just remembered what to do, for a territorial distribution is indeed useful. Otherwise work is in vain. The
information received is erroneous and, as a matter of fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) use such
charts that do not say too much.
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of these invisible rays. As far as I can see, there is no man on this planet
that is not affected, more or less. Ignoring invisible danger leaves you disarmed. The fact that painful signals transmitted
by your body come too late, sometimes coming too late to save you, brings you into a major risk situation. I think you should
document your radiation illness. I do not think it's too advisable to
ignore these warnings. But as the priest says: "Blessed are the poor in the spirit that theirs will be the kingdom
of heaven" Be careful not to come faster than you expect.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my adventures "Soap bubbles". In
this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone.