The effects of boundary phenomena, ie those at the limit of the measuring range, those that occur slowly or extremely slowly,
can be emphasized only with special devices. Recording in time, one picture at long time is cumbersome. Unfortunately,
there is no other viable way to measure such effects. Photographs are the appropriate documents for slow-moving
phenomena. Time passage is counted with photos and compares them.
Comparison with similar images, shifted over time, shows the evolution of slow phenomena.
There are moments in which you do not give meaning to certain things. You do not notice in time how important it can become, for you, a
certain state that you should immortalize when it's happened. Normal people make few photos. They immortalize the major events in their
lives. Only narcissistic people tend to shoot all the time. Because of this, that I am not a person too careful about his appearance,
I missed good years of photos with me. Most of the time, I was behind the camera. I do not have pictures of myself at the time of the
disease, even at the time the disease was in progress. Very late I realized the importance of this activity, especially since the
disease was not my basic concern, and now it would not be if the responsible people at the state level started to look at the
electromagnetic pollution even as a potential threat to the health of people.
When I realized how important it is to have evidence of the temporal evolution of my skin surface, I started taking pictures. In this
way, I have surprised, for three, almost four years, the whole process of healing my skin. The process is extremely slow, and the
photographs show the important, relatively rapid advances in skin development in the first period and a much slower evolution over
the past two years.
The comparison between two identical photos, like the one above, is to highlight important areas in the photo, with the original in
front. For example, in this assembly three groups of three nodules, developed on the surface of the right cheek, are observed. It is
clear that the positioning of the nodules in groups is similar, as if someone had projected the same shape on the face. The nodules
are the result of the cheek skin reaction on the Nokia E5 cellular phone antenna, a powerful cell phone that has painted my face
for a period of six, seven months. Now those signs were resorbed, and the cheek became clean without any traces except those left
by natural aging.
Comparison over time
But the most eloquent comparison is the comparison of some images, three in the photographic montage below, showing the evolution
of my face in time. The first photo is taken by a friend. The photo is from the time I was desperately looking for solutions to
the skin disease I had, and absolutely nothing went. That photo is before the first photos of the comparative sets on this page.
If you want to see the comparative sets access this link. My revelation, when I
realized the reality of the radiation illness, took place in May 14, 2014, a historic day for me. I called her "the day of
healing." Why? Then we escaped the world misinformation. Then I began to judge with my own head, not after the guides of others,
to see the reality, just as it is, not the fictional reality, painted by others.
You can also do the same in time to compare yourself to the pictures you have with you. They can show you an evolution to good,
or one to evil. Radiation illness, a disease with a different evolution depending on many factors, has evolving developments
that can be very rapid, but they can be extremely slow. Finding the right correlation between the source of the illness and
the effect of the illness, the bad state of certain organs, can not always be done through photography. In this case, your
memory is very important. Finding the correlation between the purchased device and the evolution of the reaction to that
device that emit harmful radiation is not an easy task. The slow evolution and the degree of risk of wave propagation around
the source of contamination make identification of the real cause of the disease extremely difficult or even impossible.
That's why it's important to educate people, especially to handle the transmitters. Newer, it's wireless
madness. Everyone wants to get rid of yarns. Everything around us, wireless communicators, is emitting, and the transmitters
have special conditions of use. This madness of the distribution of large-scale transmitters to an uninstructed population
has led to the explosion of the number of cancers, autoimmune diseases and organic diseases. The effects on a planetary
scale are seen. If you compare smartphone smartphone sales with the evolution of the number of cancers, you will see that
the graphs are similar only that there is a nearly three-year delay between the two curves. This is another comparison I
suggest you do.
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of these invisible rays. As far as I can see, there is no man on this planet
that is not affected, more or less. Ignoring invisible danger leaves you disarmed. The fact that painful signals transmitted
by your body come too late, sometimes coming too late to save you, brings you into a major risk situation. I think you should
document your radiation illness. I do not think it's too advisable to
ignore these warnings. But as the priest says: "Blessed are the poor in the spirit that theirs will be the kingdom
of heaven" Be careful not to come faster than you expect.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my adventures "Soap bubbles". In
this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone.