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The phenomena are weird, in the real world, not in the imaginary. I do not write about known natural phenomena. I write about invisible natural phenomena, unknown to many people, but they are real and ... very natural. The exposure of a classic photo is known to a lot of people, at least at the level of principle. Radiation exposure follows precisely that typical exposure of light sensitive photosensitive organic substances. The shutter speed and light intensity determine the gray level of the photo. That degree of exposure can be obtained with a high intensity, extremely short time, or with a low intensity, but a very long time. Exposure to the atomic bomb is violent and very short, some even vaporized. Exposure to microwaves from a cellular phone is as dangerous as long exposure.

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In radiation illness, the time and habits of the individual are extremely important.

The signal delivered by a cell phone to a meter of it allows a 30-minute exposure in 24 hours (and not in one half)