I confess, frankly, I have no patience to read all the nonsense. I do not say for a moment that this article would be stupid. I have
read until the first inertia. From there my brain refuses to go. The 2.45Ghz frequency is used for killing cancer cells. The
2.4Ghz frequency is the frequency that the lowest channel of the Wi-Fi emits, the others being far above the frequency, up to 5.9GHz.
If cancer cells or not, they are killed by low frequency. What do you think is happening to the other cells? Dance
happy? Let's pollute the microwave ether in the Domenille communications. Why do you wonder that you are sick?
the triple arrows are for navigating between documents.
Thousand inverse thought has done much harm to mankind.
Human thinking is a process of adaptation to the environment. The knowledge you accumulate helps you avoid errors and adapt
you better, faster and more efficiently to the changing environment around you. People shared this knowledge and, slowly,
created a huge library of knowledge. This is a very short period of human education. But this education process presents
some extremely dangerous gaps. There is an axiom, but there are dogmas. Axioms are basic things, the bricks at the base
of knowledge. They build on real and immutable demonstrations of science. The demonstration process of a phenomenon can
only be based on axioms. But this would be unproductive. To always take the thought of a process from scratch, it is a
boundless ineptitude. Human knowledge is like a building, brick over brick, and the continuation of construction does not
always start from scratch. What are the dogmas? Dogs are a great danger. They are a half truth or partial truth. Some
people see that some phenomena happen, almost all the time, in a certain way, ignore the exceptions, and create a rule.
Dogma is a rule accepted by many people. Thinking slips down the dogma rails, and you see yourself locked up in defective
mechanisms of thought that do nothing good in the end. For as long as humanity has remained stuck in these dogmas for
centuries in a row.
"Okay, you're smarter. All the others are wrong, are you right?"
Well, sometimes that happens. Everyone else is wrong. That's why they are scholars and the great mass of people. That's
why some are progressing, and others are fighting on the spot. Because the scholar has a brighter, communicates it, some
people go on the path of his correct demonstrations, and others remain dogmatic, and they believe that only the things
that are accepted are the best. I have the power to tell people, if I'm wrong, that what they do is not good, but only
on the basis of demonstrations based on other time-based axiom-based demonstrations. This process is the basis of human
knowledge. It is the building of the knowledge house, brick brick, but on the basis of the bricks that were shown to be
good, not on the basis of those accepted to be good. Sometimes it is extremely good to think plainly. And your thinking
must go the way from simple to complex. If you take it in the opposite direction, from complex to simple, you have a
great chance of mistaking yourself. If an accepted brick is rotten? What's going on? The whole house, your
thoughts, is ruined because you started off an unstable base with rotting bricks, your home is ruining. Do not rush to
petition her, she's ruining. You will do the work of Sisyphus. Refresh the base, come back to simple, verifiable
thinking, and do not build on rotten bricks.
What do I have with this article? What troubled me?
I have absolutely nothing. It's just an example of what your mind can do, if you're surrounded by a lot of equipment, you
rely on the work of others like you, you do not think with your head, you do not think simple, you do not think from simple
to complex. In addition, did you understand something of those chemical equations and formulas, parameters and procedures?
Not? I would have been very surprised if you understood. What is the conclusion of these resources used to demonstrate ...
what? That the cell membrane burns under the action of microwave energy? You may not realize yet, but fire, energy, is in
many forms, visible and invisible. (fire is used here, it is the most palpable, popular and known form of energy.) I do
not care about the many products that occur when the cell, its membrane, burns. is less important. What matters is the
phenomenon that this happens. Who, what makes these things happen. This is the root cause of people's suffering. The fact
that nobody instructed them in their playful play with fire.
You can be a scholar, but you can only be a regular type with the mindless dogmas and see the true path to people's health.
A good deal of doctors, 99% of them, have no idea what I'm talking about here, they have developed, learned, hugging, based
on dogmas written by others like them, who, on the basis of dogmas written by others, something erroneous and from here the
edifice staggered. He's got a little more and gets demolished, he's ruining. I think medicine needs to be reset, it needs
to be rebuilt. These mobs need not perpetuate. All you have to do is read the article. I read it. I know exactly what is
going on there, the fact that it sampled, the huge energy of 10mW / cm2, It's not really silly. High impulse trains make
some cell resistance thresholds easier to pass. Otherwise the average value is acceptable. I use this procedure, directed
to kill the already cancerous cells. They do not know that the other cells will have the same
cancerous reaction. Doctors, quantum physicist. The world is playing with fire,
it burns, and then it comes to you to make them naked. If you stay behind, it's not my fault, but you can not help them.
Become incompetent, and your incompetence kills.
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of this invisible pollution. As far as I can see, there is no human on
this planet that is not affected more or less. The lack of correct information and the underestimation of the power of these
radiation has brought you into the condition of sick people dependent on an equally ill system. Please also see the page
explainingradiation illness.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my passions "Soap bubbles".
In this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone. Do not you think? That's
just your problem. The reality is that.