Everyone who works has the tendency to hoard and protect information. Everyone is condemning the Russians now,
but they are not to blame. They have protected their work from thieves. They clothed useful information
into a poisoned apple. This poisoned apple lies in our neck now. This is because those who
steal and then are very proud of their thefts and throw us in front of their wealth of world thieves are
Although laughing, this farce of Russian researchers, manipulated by foolish American spies, has led to
a world genocide, and it's no joke.
We have treated this subject and it is a subject based on a document of American spies (DIA). Please
consult him. There it is treated from a medical and scientific point of view. There is also shown
what this "poisoned apple" is, that is, what is and where false information is hidden.
"To the DIA document" (Defense Research Department Document
prepared by the US Army Medical Research Bureau and the Intelligence Agency and approved by
the Research Directorate Scientific and Technical Department of the DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY)
How smart are they? We will see, in the following, what a great blunder these "intelligents"
have done. From this blunder, the world was filled with cancer and what a monstrous lie and what
a dubious business has become the world health system.
Dear thieves, the ministers of the greatest intelligence thief on the planet, and here I refer
to Western society as a whole, not to a particular state.
The Chimer of Welfare and False Democracy, attracts people with a technical culture but naive
and with patriotism doubtful, as it draws a lighted lantern in the evening, the flies that roam
around it. I will not condemn such people. They understand to make their lives easier. I condemn
the imbecility of the thieves who steal information, stealing the work of others by different
means, and this is not as condemned as it is condemned to use the information in a way that
is totally inappropriate to the purpose of the original research. Contrary to many
of my fellow citizens, I have other ideas about science and technology developed by the Russians
, which in some parts are much superior to all Western institutes. The Russians have
branded theoreticians and they have translated absolutely any scientific book of interest.
Their library contains many scientific books, well written and very well and thoroughly argued.
They have demonstrated everything.
Craftsmen in the art of dissimulation, Westerners are lying their own fellow citizens. The West
is no longer what it was. The West is a dictatorship masked under a thin polish of polarization.
A false society with a lack of respect for life and its own citizens. The biggest problem in the
West is that their citizens accept with serenity the condition of slaves, apparently wealthy,
but over whom huge amounts of lies and misinformation are pouring. They managed to twist them
in such a way that the thinking of their own citizens that they no longer see the truths. There
are a few, more rising, escaping from the West, and when they give their simple and much more
natural life in the East, they fall in love with these places.
The biggest problem is that they do not keep their garbage at home. Now this massive microwave
pollution is generated by not understanding the danger of energy, interpreting a simple physical
effect as generating two types of effects. That is, radiation produces thermal effects and non-thermal
effects on laboratory animals. The bad thing is that all the effects are of a thermal nature, but in
their imbecility they treated an energy drainage effect as a nontermal effect. This mistake still
persists today. They simply can not explain that some living bodies can burn at body temperature.
The most appropriate argument is excessive tanning that causes wounds, burns on the skin of the
individual who stayed too much in the sun. Draining energy keeps the body alive at a temperature
within the functional limit. Energy attacks the tissues alike, but the thermoregulation mechanisms
of a living organism do not let the temperature increase. If the body is dead or the thermoregulation
does not work, it will fry, just like we do in the flesh of the animals. How simple is everything.
American Spies are to blame now that we are slowly frying to point sources of energy, but very much.
Look at the flame from the gas furnace. It consists of several dozen individual candles. Several
candles can create extremely dangerous fire.
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of this invisible pollution. As far as I can see, there is no human on
this planet that is not affected more or less. The lack of correct information and the underestimation of the power of these
radiation has brought you into the condition of sick people dependent on an equally ill system. Please also see the page
explainingradiation illness.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my passions "Soap bubbles".
In this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone. Do not you think? That's
just your problem. The reality is that.