Lack of training, in a certain area, does not in any way induce a handicap for anyone. But when you do not
have a logical model of thinking, you can get into informational racing. Only then you become a victim
of information fraud and you can be easily cheated.
What is genetic analysis? What does she say to us?
It's very hard to grumble. The moment you have a state of illness or something that resembles the illness
begins to embarrass your anxiety. This happens to everyone. It takes you, at some point, to despair. This
is because many do not think you are sick, you suffer, your body is not seen, and most of you think you
are a fancy. Although, suffering is real, the technical culture of people, and even yours, makes you
desperate in search of a cure for your states of discomfort and even sickness. You go to doctors, more
and more and more specialized. Many of those with whom we discussed, especially from Australia,
New Zealand, Canada and even Britain, did genetic analysis. An analysis of this kind costs somewhere
at $ 2,000. A huge amount for an average pocket.
Many of those I have discussed in my search period have done genetic analysis. An analysis of this kind
costs somewhere at $ 2,000. A very large amount. An amount I did not have, which would have caused me
a very big financial discomfort. Not only is this analysis expensive, but it is also a great uselessness.
What does this analysis say to you? She tells you that you are a man and that you are a genetic
defect. We are all genetically defective. This is how species on this Earth evolve through
genetic defects. Adaptation to the environment is through genetic changes that change certain features
of the body so that it adapts to the environment in which it lives. In this process, defects or changes
that do not correspond to those environmental changes may also occur.
Does anyone repair you if you are a genetic defect? I think no one can repair you
because the same defect is written in each cell. So there's a lot of work to do for someone who wants
to fix you. So, in conclusion, genetic analysis is very expensive and very ... useless.
With this I have proven that the disease I was suffering from is not genetic, It is not a
genetically transmitted disease. Only later did we learn that we are not prepared to resist
electromagnetic radiation that has saturated, in some places, the environment in which we live,
more recently.
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of this invisible pollution. As far as I can see, there is no human on
this planet that is not affected more or less. The lack of correct information and the underestimation of the power of these
radiation has brought you into the condition of sick people dependent on an equally ill system. Please also see the page
explainingradiation illness.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my passions "Soap bubbles".
In this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone. Do not you think? That's
just your problem. The reality is that.