This document is the American spies' report of 1976, March. They spied hard on state researchers, so-called communists. But,
apart from the skills of skilled thieves, there is still a need for quantum physics, classical physics, biology of the violin
and many other theoretical knowledge that the former socialist scholars excel. In this document I found a poisoned
apple. How stupid the Americans are, they have not discovered it for over forty years. It continues to propagate on
all broadcast media the same inertia served by the Russians. Below the document, you find the consistent and accurate
explanations of what false information is involved. That's the poisoned apple that Americans are ruminating today.
the triple arrows are for navigating between documents.
So let's just reveal something about the poisoned apple. (false information)
Somewhere in the text, reference is made to how the effects of microwave radiation would be divided into two broad categories.
These would be thermal and non-thermal. The first category, as the name says, are measurable effects by changing the temperature
of the body bombarded by microwaves, and the latter non-thermal ones are those effects that do not change the temperature of the
body bombarded.
Where is the poisoned apple?
How brave they are, they have applied a microwave excitation to a living organism, and have thought that the living body does not react
to microwave radiation excitement. FALSE. The living body protects against the harmful action of microwaves. He reacts and adjusts his
temperature. So all the effects of the microwave bombardment are of a thermal nature, and the so-called non-thermal effects are all
thermal effects, but there are thermal effects with a radiator, similar to the machine radiator or electronics. He, the radiator, is
the thermoregulation mechanism that all living organisms possess with hot or cold blood. But if you have a head, what do you
need to remember? This mechanism keeps the cell temperature within the operating parameters. Not too hot to boil the cell,
not too cold, not to freeze.
Otherwise, they did their thief business well. They stole the very accurate information.
The document covers the effects of microwave radiation on: blood, cardiovascular system, cells, nervous system, digestive system,
glands, metabolism, reproduction, eyes and hearing. So in a sentence, the Russians and the Socialists have done their job
conscientiously, and the counter-spies have slipped false information as well. Read the document. It's worth knowing
what a big shit you are. That is, a large oven was created in which we burn low-heat. And this oven has a candle in your hand.
If you have patience, you can search the US military website. However, the document is declassified and, from this point of view,
the Americans are honest. All the information you are allowed to go to is published somewhere. I received the file from another
suffering from the United States. I have not searched the archives. I saw the action of the microwave live. But here is the link
to the Deafence Intelligence Agency (DIA), the originator of the document.
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of this invisible pollution. As far as I can see, there is no human on this
planet that is not affected more or less. The lack of correct information and the underestimation of the power of these radiation
has brought you into the condition of sick people dependent on an equally ill system. Please also see the page explaining
radiation illness .
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my passions "Soap bubbles" .
In this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone. Do not you think? That's
just your problem. The reality is that.