What does an engineer look for, say in medicine, why does he wear his nose? What is myelin? Myelin is an insulating material
integrated into the structure of the axon. Our nerves work with electricity. Physicians probably know the biological side,
which causes me great doubts, but they are absolutely unprepared in the electric field and the interactions of the electric
fields with the electric current traversed by the axle isolated with mielein. So, what am I doing? Possibly, but I still get
over the unpreparedness with ifose, which have begun to be some doctors. Far from me to blame all of them.
the triple arrows are for navigating between documents.
The biggest problem with this demyelination phenomenon is that it leads to a short circuit of the nervous signal.
Everyone knows that an electric conductor needs, in order to be able to work in user safety areas, by an insulator that will delimit it
from other conductors. Our nerves do not send a single nervous impulse. They are bundles of independent conductors, a system of
communication cables that transmit independently and in parallel, at high speeds, the information from the periphery to different
parts of the central nervous system, as well as the commands from it to the elements of execution, our muscles , which performs
actions, moves or other actions that make the body adapt to the environment.
The universal robot has long been there. Nature created the first natural robot. The most complex machine on planet Earth is
the human body. (At least we like to believe it.)
Starting from machine analogy, all organisms, from simple cell to complex ones, are more or less related to automated control
systems that we sometimes struggle to copy. The Great Creator, the first inventor of automated systems, created the biological
robot. The living organisms are those robots. Conceptual differences are small. There are absolutely all the systems needed to
adapt to the environment. When a part of the machine is attacked by something, an immense energy, such as that emitted by the
microwave antenna of the cellular phone or other technical and technological devices. The integrity of the information support,
represented by the organic conductors that are our nerves, is very important in the good functioning of the whole organism.
Microwaves, as you know, act from the inside to the outside, and our nerves are short-circuited in the disturbing
electromagnetic field.
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of this invisible pollution. As far as I can see, there is no human on
this planet that is not affected more or less. The lack of correct information and the underestimation of the power of these
radiation has brought you into the condition of sick people dependent on an equally ill system. Please also see the page
explainingradiation illness.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my passions "Soap bubbles".
In this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone. Do not you think? That's
just your problem. The reality is that.