For now, there are timid world-wide attempts to fight for the dangers of malicious microwave. Here's an example of an approach
to justice. I'm glad I'm not the only one, but these approaches, from disparate points of view, are doomed to failure. Apart
from the explanation and dissection of physical phenomena, any other action, legal or medical, is doomed to failure. They will be
taken in the derision. The approach on this website is a normal one. It explains the phenomenon, identifies the causal source of
the phenomenon, explains the degree of hazard, explains how the microwaves act on living cells, explains the limit phenomenon, an
action that happens extremely slowly. Yes, I agree that solving will be done only in court. But only by a multidisciplinary approach
we will defeat the great capital, greed and culture raised to unitary rank, of virtue. Professor, please bend this web page. Here are
the weapons you can defeat. Our brain is the most powerful weapon. After reading what I have said, you will agree that we need to
reset some sciences and rebuild them on causative grounds. Medicine, is one of them. Doctors treat effects. The cause remains there
and generates infinitely other effects.
the triple arrows are for navigating between documents.
The first steps are already made in recognizing technological mistakes. In Germany there have been people for a long time who are so ill
with this electromagnetic hypersensitivity (correct name - not electrical). In the 1970s, studies have taken place around the world on
the incidence of electricity transmission networks on cancers. Hysteria was created in Germany, and all Germans were walking through
houses with radiation detectors. (The American study revealed the increased incidence of cancers in the area of high voltage
transmission networks). Slowly, things have been loud, energy transmission networks have been legally fitted with two large areas
where you are not allowed to live, the guard area and the ban area. Now, after many years, a cretin (Steve Jobs) binds the internet
to the emitter. The transmitter is an electromagnetic wave generator that uses this emission to communicate. He said it made people
independent of a connection socket. Unplug is the word of order of today or the more established name, wireless (that is, without a
drot, drot in Ardeal, is the name for the metal wire). Are we prepared to pay the price for this independence?
On packs of cigarettes, why do they say they are harmful, and do not write on the cell?
He does not write yet. No one will voluntarily give up the source of income so that you can be healthy. These cell phones have not
yet gotten over the bot and they're really naughty. They say they do not pollute. That plane from the sky pollutes. Have you seen
what chemical residue he left behind? ... God ... Good people, wake up. You are at 8000m of you, and you hold an electromagnetic
bomb in your hand. Hold a small sun that freshens your tissues extremely slowly. Do you play with fire? Then why am I
wondering that the fire is burning?
We need those who think of the planet to get together to do something coherent to stop this madness. This pollution will
destroy the planet, the greedy fools will glory, and the foolish fools will not even notice. They will die and will think so.
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of this invisible pollution. As far as I can see, there is no human on
this planet that is not affected more or less. The lack of correct information and the underestimation of the power of these
radiation has brought you into the condition of sick people dependent on an equally ill system. Please also see the page
explainingradiation illness.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my passions "Soap bubbles".
In this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone. Do not you think? That's
just your problem. The reality is that.