The process of diagnosing any disease is an important element in its healing. Diagnosis of radiation disease,
however, is a very difficult process. Why? Because radiation illness is an integral part of our evolution.
Although it is an extremely slow cure, radiation illness heals. Over the last four years we have come to the firm conviction that
there are no incurable diseases.
The evolution to recovery was only when we escaped from the vast ocean of misinformation. Revelations are
not only of a religious nature. The moment you made an epochal discovery, it seems like everything is in front of you.
Things are becoming clearer. They sit alone in their place and the logical construction is so solid that no one can climb at least.
Yes, I had cancer. I had cancer in an extremely advanced phase. I'm cured of radiation illness. Cancer, caused
by massive exposure to microwaves, has disappeared. It was like a diffused reaction in the whole body. All my cells have tried
to protect themselves from exposure to harmful radiation. Certain parts, exposed more intensely, have created lesions on the
skin. In the rest of my body I had a diffuse affection that I barely managed to master in four years. Still full healing I
can not say I touched it. I do not think I'll ever touch her either. In the following, I'll explain why.
Before I begin any other phrase, I must mention that there are rapid forms of the disease, that is, within a few hours a
man exposed to massive high frequency radiation, may be dead, and are slow or even very slow, where the exposure takes
place over a long time and the body develops specific forms of reaction. In the first case, we are dealing with a rapid
burn, and in the second case, we have rather an evolution of our cells, step by step, in a changed environment, an
environment hostile to life, a toxic environment. As a suggestion, I would say we are frying for a candle.
How do I know I suffer from radiation sickness? This is the question that tells us how to make this diagnosis.
The answer will seem very abrupt to some. You do not know. And you do not know for a very trivial reason. Everyone,
we all suffer more or less from radiation illness. So, there is no question whether you have it or not, but it is the
question whether the forms your body makes to exposure to radiation are, or are not, dangerous to your life.
Do not even think about being healthy. You live in an electromagnetic ocean and it affects you. From the
moment you were born, your journey begins to die. Slowly, you get old, and your aging is due to exposure to the sun's
rays, a form of natural radiation that makes the planet Earth conditions for life.
But if you insist on knowing how we admit exceeding the admissible limits, you should know that the phenomenon of radiation
exposure, of living organisms, is an extremely complex phenomenon, but it can be explained to anyone by analogy with the
operation of a car engine. Radiation is like the heat produced in the engine. Cells are affected by this energy. There is
an engine drainage mechanism like the engine cooling system. As long as this drainage system is not outdated by the energy
the cells are exposed to, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Cells will work fine and will not react to radiation.
If, however, the energy drainage mechanism is overcome, the cells being alive will apply different forms of reaction and will
transmit different alarm signals to the brain. These alarm signals, doctors call them symptoms, and please read the
Symptoms of Radiation Disease. When they become troublesome, we go
to a doctor to treat us. All of these symptoms, depending on how severe the disease is, can be attributed to all known
diseases and not known to doctors. The most common form of radiation illness is common insolation. Everyone thinks I've
done, at least once in my life, sunstroke. Why did I do it? Because we thought heroes and that we could not do that to
ourselves, and, of course, we stood like fools in the gloating sun in the sky. Simple.
So, although you do not believe, and many will be angry, I think all diseases that do not have obvious mechanical, chemical
or biological causes are all in fact different stages of radiation illness. Including natural old age is a radiation illness. It
is a degenerative disease, and I attribute it to exposure to electromagnetic radiation. So nobody will tell you that you have
radiation illness. This name is covered by many other illnesses invented, but with the same basic cause. In addition, misinformation
works well. The truth is not wanted. There will be a lot of money lost. Lying is a very lucrative and profitable thing.
As a conclusion, I tell you that in the slow form of exposure, no one can give you an obvious diagnosis. This is the proportion
of troublesome elements in the list of symptoms. When too many have arrived, doctors will no longer be able to deal with, but
will not recognize their incompetence and will get you medication. So if you have burns in your stomach, think about getting
alkaline water in you. You may be disturbing something through your body. Try reducing microwave exposure, you may see the
effect immediately after you have put in the protective equipment. Arsura disappeared as if by charm, without pills and
without suspicious liquids.
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of these invisible rays. As far as I can see, there is no human on this
planet that will be affected more or less. The lack of correct information and the underestimation of the power of these
radiation has brought you into the condition of sick people dependent on an equally ill system. Please also see the page
explaining radiation illness.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my passions "Soap bubbles" . In
this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone.