There are many scarecrows in this world. Fear of death brings huge profits to the charlatans. Finally, I found a disease that can be
both common and trivial, but it may be lethal, under certain conditions. It brought me to another level of consciousness. I'm not
afraid of anything. All the other things become insignificant when you stay on talk to death. I stayed.
People who know the truth are extremely dangerous for liars. I am one of those who will never stand on my knees.
Fear is a common feeling for all the creatures on this planet. Fear is a very profitable thing. Man, in olden times,
has had all sorts of fears. Since ancient times, the charlatans have been born. They have begun to exploit, to the fullest, and for their
benefit, the ignorance and fears of their peers. Religion is the best example of the phenomenon. Instead of teaching people to lift their
intellectual level, the church preferred to make them slaves. It has inspired a strong fear of a vengeful deity, most of the time, to
direct resources to the pockets of priests and lay leaders. These fears have not disappeared. Ignorance has not disappeared, nor does
it show signs of wanting to disappear. Every child is born with an almost empty brain. The church is in a hurry to fill it with the
fear of profit. Very few people escape from this mesh stretched out with much, extremely much, perfection. They take care of your soul.
You idiot! Wake up.
Otherwise, fear will be the beard that you will carry, from now on until you die, and your children will have exactly the same fate.
What does this have to do with curing radiation sickness?
Even if you do not see it now, the connection is extremely tight. Radiation disease is an extremely terrible disease. (We are not talking
about nuclear material accidents or exposure to nuclear explosions, where the effects are obvious and usually the patient's progress is
towards STOP GAME!) It can be a simple cold or any of the serious organic diseases. Depending on the location of the exposure, the
intensity of the dangerous waves and the time we stand in the dangerous electromagnetic field. All of these three factors: position,
intensity and exposure time, give a gamble of radiation illness. But if you look very carefully, this random character disappears.
Things are seated, beautiful, in a scientific rigor. Gambling remains an impression. Things happen just like the physical textbooks.
So, ignorant, get your hands on the physical manual again, and try to protect yourself from the greatest danger in your life.
Cure of radiation illness known as the popular "cold burn".
The popular name is extremely accurate in correctly identifying the disease. It exactly identifies where we should classify this disease,
that is, it tells us that the disease is a burn. And he tells us how this burn occurs, that's act at cold.
It shows the perfunctory character of the contamination. In other words, you do not feel when you burn. It's an unconscious contamination,
only that you suddenly get up with it with the illness. Although this name is very precise, it does not tell us how we get rid of radiation
sickness. What is the cure for her?
Cure is extremely simple. In other words ... do not do it. Yeah, do not do it, it's the only cure in the universe. Are not I
practical at all? On the contrary, these four above words describe the cure very precisely. That is, there is no cure for it,
but if you eliminate the cause of its production (not to do it) you will bring the body into a healthy environment for it, the effects
of radiation exposure will disappear within a reasonable time. In my case, these effects disappeared in four years. We did exactly
what we needed, and we escaped death. The hell of a lot you need to know, to master the notions, to go firmly on your way of salvation.
Do not you believe me? Go to any specialist in burns and ask him directly. How does a burn burn heal? And you will get a very
interesting answer. The burn, in itself, does not heal. The body returns to health. Doctors just help the patient
not to do anything but to heal, the body alone does it. Nobody and nothing helps the burned tissue to recover. It is only replaced,
in the natural rhythm of replacement.
So, in conclusion, just cleaning the environment inside and around your body will heal you. Everything else you do, any substance you
use and any quantity, their effect will be zero. There are no medicines, no remedies, no antidote. If the environment is
radiation-contaminated, the body will slowly, slowly, crumble, burn slowly, in itself, the cells will lose their cohesion,
elasticity and water, and you will become, from the vivid and sympathetic fins, a simple steak on the grill of the huge microwave
oven, what will soon become the entire planet Earth. The planet will not suffer at all. At some point the number of dead idiots
will also reduce the number of flames in the furnace, we will reach a balance of death. There will not be so many slums of cell
phones and Wi-Fi routers.
Macabre? No, just a statistic, and the dead will extinguish a lumber from the furnace with over seven billion candles, so the
microwave field will lose a small percentage of its power, making life a little more breathable. Statistics, that is, the big
number will be the order of the day to bring things back in normal parameters.
If anyone has the feeling I'm playing with the words, it just has to bother me. I sincerely say to myself that I would like these
things not to have happened. Unfortunately, reality is even more tricky than I painted it here.
Many people underestimate the power of these invisible rays. Every human organ, near the transmitting center, the cellular
phone antennae, will be more or less affected, depending on the degree of exposure to harmful radiation. See also what I
wrote about radiation illness , and if you think this information needs
to be known by others, spread it. You do not keep them secret. Secrets will kill us much faster than you think.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my passions "Soap bubbles" .
In this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone level of understanding.
Çalışmalarımızı desteklemek, kötüler için gizli ve rahatsız edici gerçekleri ortaya çıkarmak için, lütfen
düşündüğünüz kadar bağış yapın. Bu paranın amacı, bu kirlilik için kayıt cihazları, sofistike ve aşırı
pahalı cihazları satın almaktır. Bu web sitesi, kişisel çabalarımla su hattı üzerinde tutulmakta ve
sürdürülmektedir. Nefes aldığım sürece çalışacak ve aynı zamanda nedensellik ve motivasyona dayanan
bilimsel olarak kanıtlanmış, insanlığın tek gerçek motorları olan gerçek bilgileri yayınlayacağım.
Beni kanıtlamak için ekipman gerekli değil. Söylediğim her şeyi kanıtladım. Cihaz, yetkililere
çaresizce yardım etmeye zorlandığım dünya soykırımını göstererek masumları korumak için gerekli.
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