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We're looking for evidence. This is a good habit. But when we see the evidence, are we able to understand it? Or are our normal ways of understanding treacherously stopped?

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This animation is made from images taken by me personally from the website of the Royal Institute of Meteorology of the Netherlands (KNMI) which in collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA) provide us with the history of global maps with terrestrial exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

  • 1. There is a period of strong, flu-generating anomalies in the southern hemisphere towards Antarctica between mid-September and mid-December each year. These anomalies are of a considerable area, larger than a small country such as Romania, and it does not matter that they are far away. Once they enter the atmospheric system, due to the greenhouse effect they will act on the whole planet;
  • 2. UV radiation is contrary to what we know, information that has been hidden for a long time, hidden, it is much stronger in WINTER and diminishes in spring, summer and autumn. Everything is due to the annual trip of the Earth around the Sun and the fact that the orbit is not aligned with the solar equator we have these massive annual fluctuations;
  • 3. Trees do not grow out of vegetation and lose their leaves due to cold but due to UV radiation. As long as the ultraviolet radiation is strong, although it is hot, the trees, the trees, will not turn green, and some affected too much will never turn green again, they will die;
  • 4. Animals do not hibernate. They are sheltered from radiation. At the same time, the moulting of animals with fur is due to the UV wear of the fur which is electromagnetic protection. That's why shepherds don't get sunburn and sheep won't get the flu either. Instead other animals and birds will do. The pig does not have much hair, the cow has short hair, and the feathers do not protect themselves from radiation if the birds are standing still. Where do we get the AVIAN FLU, SWINE FISH and CRAZY COW DISEASE and nothing in sheep;
  • 5. There are concentrations of radiation, especially in the high mountains. Wuhan is near the Himalayas, which concentrates natural UV radiation and 5G radiation from mobile phones. People are caught between direct waves and reflected waves because the Wuhan area is full of lakes, another concentrator of UV radiation.
  • 6. Deserts on Earth are not caused by lack of water but by the very pronounced presence of UV radiation. They kill young plants that cannot defend themselves against radiation. They are burned. Probably man also has something to say by the massive deforestation of some areas because in the Amazon area there is an equatorial forest that maintains its microclimate.
  • 7. There is no CORONA, or other virus, that is the CAUSE of diseases on Earth. It never existed. All diseases, including fractures, are determined by the action of energy on the body. Exposure concentration leads to type defense reactions called cancer, the cells fill with water to protect themselves from excess energy. The current global crisis is an operation to cover the garbage created with digital communications. It is a desperate attempt by the world occult to maintain the system of ignorance and obscurantism that, as I call it, INFORMATIONAL SLAVERY. The operation is done through a MISINFORMATION aggressive and ordinary. In other words, I lie in the icy waters, and the sheep, that is, us, sits and chews all the informational garbage that is served to it.
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    In order to support our work, to reveal the hidden and uncomfortable truths for the villains, please donate as much as you think. The purpose of this money is to purchase recording devices for this pollution, sophisticated and extremely expensive appliances. This website is maintained and maintained on the waterline with my personal effort. It will work as long as I breathe, and at the same time, I will publish scientifically proven, factual information based on causality and motivation, the only real motors of mankind. The equipment is not necessary to prove me. I have proven everything I say. The apparatus is necessary to protect innocents by demonstrating to the authorities the world genocide to which I am forced to assist helplessly. In other words, ... I speak alone.