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A collection of texts that, although very comprehensive, has a big problem, is not attractive, tells the truth too brutal and too technical. There is inexorably information, with tons of volumes and a huge number of pages, and this book has a lot of pages if it is not read and, especially understood, is useless. As long as the information does not scratch the brain, as long as it does not ignite the spark of understanding in the recipient's head, it is a useless effort, it becomes an object of record, yet a fool who cares about my health, you will say. The problem is that there is no documentation. The problem is that there is no coherent channel for transmitting information. There is a transmitter, but the receivers are not tuned to the transmitter.

the triple arrows are for navigating between documents.

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Massive microwave pollution would not have been possible without misinformation. They go hand in hand. When misinformation falls, and it will fall short, see how nervous we will have on the planet.

The book is not an object of decoration.

In order to support our work, to reveal the hidden and uncomfortable truths for the villains, please donate as much as you think. The purpose of this money is to purchase recording devices for this pollution, sophisticated and extremely expensive appliances. This website is maintained and maintained on the waterline with my personal effort. It will work as long as I breathe, and at the same time, I will publish scientifically proven, factual information based on causality and motivation, the only real motors of mankind. The equipment is not necessary to prove me. I have proven everything I say. The apparatus is necessary to protect innocents by demonstrating to the authorities the world genocide to which I am forced to assist helplessly. In other words, ... I speak alone.