către varianta în Română
In this imagery carousel, you find the most important documents about microwave hazards. Documents of American spies, NASA
documents and other documents attesting microwave hazards . All these documents have a comment made by me. Read the document,
make your opinion, then comment. I look forward to your comments.
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- European Convention on Human Rights - English (30 pages)

- Exacerbation of demyelination syndrome following exposure to the wireles modem -
English (5 pages)

- Document DIA (American spies) about radiation - English (35 pages)

- Article written by prof. Dr. Mircea Duţu - Electromagnetic Radiation in the Judiciary. -
Romanian (5 pages)

- Radio Frequency Radiation at Stockholm Central Station and a few Medical Issues of Public
Exposure to RF Fields - English (10 pages)

- Irradiated - Comprehensive compilation and literature review of radiofrequency fields and the biological negative
impact of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (especially radio frequency fields) on biological organisms. -
English (416 pages)

- Exposure Limit to Radio Frequency Energy - English (6 pages)

- Modification of membrane fluidity of melanin-exposed cells at low levels of microwave radiation -
English (16 pages)

- NASA Document on Radiation - English (125 pages)

- The European dead also speak - comparative charts on countries with the top 50 causes of Germany's death

- Deaths of Europeans speak very clearly - comparative graphs on countries with the top 50 causes of Germany's deaths
with countries sorted by latitude

- The dead speak - comparative graphs on countries with the first 50 causes of the death of
Romanian patients

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Each document has its own page. My comments belong to me. If you think I'm wrong, please contact me, because I do
not want to spread misinformation. Anyone can mistake, but if he persists in error, he is stupid or stupid. I do not
want to be categorized in these very widespread categories on the planet.
In order to support our work, to reveal the hidden and uncomfortable truths for the villains, please donate
as much as you think. The purpose of this money is to purchase recording devices for this pollution,
sophisticated and extremely expensive appliances. This website is maintained and maintained on the waterline
with my personal effort. It will work as long as I breathe, and at the same time, I will publish
scientifically proven, factual information based on causality and motivation, the only real motors
of mankind. The equipment is not necessary to prove me. I have proven everything I say. The apparatus
is necessary to protect innocents by demonstrating to the authorities the world genocide to which I am
forced to assist helplessly. In other words, ... I speak alone.