Since ancient times, buildings have been the place where people were sheltering. More recently, with the industrial revolution,
buildings were given various uses. In addition to housing, they became warehouses, workshops, factories and institutions. But,
over time, the primary utility, the shelter has not been lost, even though they shelter industrial facilities and people alike.
Under certain circumstances, however, the sanctuary, the shelter, can become a deadly trap. In complex buildings,
the refraction and reflection of waves can cause stationary waves and resonance effects. Resonance is a very large amplification
of waves in certain portions. Old or even new buildings can form extremely hazardous areas from the point of view of
microwave contamination.
the triple arrows are for navigating between documents.
The Swedish study on pollutant microwaves at Stockholm's building.
If anyone thinks Swedish specialists do not have enough time to fill their time and get involved with trivial things, they are
either naive or well brainwashed. Making a so serious study about a crowd of people means that the issue of microwave pollution
is a very important issue on the agenda of the responsible states. (Of the irresponsible we list USA and Romania, if there
will be others, we will see). It almost does not matter the conclusion of the study. The seriousness with which it is done
shows the importance of the problem.
Look at the publication header. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ONCOLOGY
If you are standing on the ground and do not have to be stupid enough to see the truth, if such a publication loses some time
with such studies, we must at least give it the trouble to read it. I'm not interested in the conclusion of the study. But
just who and why he did it. Let me tell you why. Cancerul, the defense reaction of nocturnal
bombarded cells, microwaves. does not appear in a short time. It occurs over a long period of time at the exposure of the phone's
own antenna. We do not spend much time in the station, but with us, always the source of contamination. See the article
Wireless Chain - Physics. The drawing explains how we are contaminating.
Although we are talking about cancer, it can not occur in the short period of transit through the train station. The study is
not totally useless, it shows the concentration of radiation sources in some more crowded areas and reveals the possibility
of stationary waves and energy beats. I have experienced such a phenomenon in a large commercial space in Cluj Napoca. It
was like waves of energy through the brain. Two in a row. I immediately left.
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of this invisible pollution. As far as I can see, there is no human on
this planet that is not affected more or less. The lack of correct information and the underestimation of the power of these
radiation has brought you into the condition of sick people dependent on an equally ill system. Please also see the page
explainingradiation illness.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my passions "Soap bubbles".
In this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone. Do not you think? That's
just your problem. The reality is that.