Modern people were born into a highly-technologized society. Televisions, radios, electrical installations, public lighting and
personal lighting are part of everyday life. No one has the problem that these home appliances might be dangerous .
Why would he ask that question? They are state bodies that should not allow these appliances to be dangerous.
Before we needlessly hysteria, you say that a simple electricity distribution network has, according to the law: ban zone
and guard area . These two areas are related to some research by US specialists in the 1970s and conclude that the incidence
of cancers is higher near the high voltage power distribution networks. In fact, it is the energy stress to which a living organism
is subjected in the presence of large electromagnetic fields of energy. At that time they caused great hysteria all over the world.
the Germans were the most hysterical. They walked with devices after them. After a while, the world forgot why they lit up and
calmed down everything. Things have gone a bit forgotten so that in 2002 the world will turn on again. This time, things have
taken a much more serious turn.
It is true that virtually any household or industrial equipment that operates with electricity generates more or less electromagnetic
waves of different frequencies. The vast majority of appliances are well screened and do not emit hazardous radiation. These appliances
passed through the testing laboratories and underwent these tests. not in vain on modern monitors, where we spend a lot of time,
In order to understand what is happening and because I know you have no patience to read I will give you an example. Your cell phone is
one of the billions of receiving transmitting devices that pollute with harmful electromagnetic radiation. It's like a little sun. The
immense energy that attacks you, first of all, is extremely damaging to our cells. Comparison with a lit candle is very appropriate.
If we pass the palm through the candle flame, we will not feel anything. Instead, if we pass through the palm slowly, through the
candle flame, we will feel the burning of the fire. The same happens with electromagnetic waves and you know that not only the
cellular phone is responsible for this immense pollution and, in some places, unbearable. There are many devices that emit electromagnetic
radiation. Many of you ignore this danger. It is an unseen and imperceptible pollution through common senses. It can only be highlighted
through the devices. In addition, electromagnetic radiation has been before all the other constituent elements of our universe. So
who says he is not affected by this pollution is a very naive or simply ignorant person. Nothing in our body can protect us against
this radiation. Only special constructions can shelter us from radiation-related conditions.
Sources of pollution are many and diverse, the above picture tells a bit about their diversity, but in principle they are only of two types:
1. Pollution sources that use electromagnetic energy to operate . Some of them create communication channels, others
investigate, and others are actually weapons. These are: cell phones, tablets, Wi-Fi laptops or desktops, Wi-Fi routers, Wi-Fi baby
monitors, smart TV, smart watch, smart meter, geotechnical measuring devices, electromagnetic or even laser weapons.
2. Pollution sources that emit high frequency electromagnetic energy accidentally . Among these, you will be surprised
to find some of the beloved appliances that you would never have dreamed that could be harmful. Unshielded LED bulbs, monitor or TV
sources that work in switching and are not sufficiently shielded, spark ignition, transformers, and many other electrical and
electronic equipment.
Many doctors, in this great world, do not know these effects of radiation on body cells. These radiation, deliberately or accidentally,
causes reactions that can be confused with the symptoms of diseases. Mainly, a state is induced as in the case of a person who has
stayed too much in the sun. Principally, electromagnetic radiation irritates all body cells from the mucous. You will be surprised
to find that it can induce sneezing, feeling of acidity, especially in the duodenum, irritate your lungs or, by roasting the pancreas
cells, cause you diabetes. Over these causes, unknown by physicians, the misinformation provoked and promoted with desperation by the
polluters, misinforming the doctors who make the wrong diagnoses and the patients who desperately believe they are infected with all
kinds of nonsense. They attribute these effects to real diseases, some of which are unknown. These are possible because this
1000-faces disease is exactly the same. I call him "the mother of all diseases". I do not know if it causes all diseases, but,
depending on where it works, it can simulate almost any known disease. In addition, there is a danger. Nothing in this world
can guarantee that you do not have both diseases. I mean, you have real disease and radiation illness at the same time.
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of these invisible rays. Every human organ, near the transmitting center,
the cellular phone antennae, will be more or less affected, depending on the degree of exposure to harmful radiation.
See also what I wrote about radiation illness, and if you think this
information needs to be known by others, spread it. You do not keep them secret. Secrets will kill us for days.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my adventures "Soap bubbles" .
In this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone.