The planet comes from space or other sources, more or less natural, a multitude of electromagnetic waves. The electromagnetic
spectrum is a graph of the intensity of these radiation depending on the wavelength or frequency of these waves . All
radiation ranging from zero to infinity is dangerous or beneficial in terms of exposure time.
Modern human activities can no longer exist in the absence of a complex technology such as telecommunication
technology . Behind the apparent ease with which we communicate today is an entire high-level electrotechnical
and electronic science and obtained with the effort of the generations of researchers. Everyone put a piece on this
gigantic construction. Physicists, astronomers, chemists, geologists, doctors, pharmacists and engineers work with
parts of the electromagnetic field, namely spectra. Each piece of electromagnetic spectrum has one or more practical
applications. They are from very peaceful, useful and beneficial applications to weapons of mass destruction, all
over are applications of electromagnetic spectra.
Because of this multitude and not to copy the work of others, I will not insist on these aspects of description and
classification of the spectra. I will write here a link that transfers you to Wikipedia on a page that does this very well:
Electromagnetic spectrum . I will confine myself to
interpreting some practical aspects related to microwave pollution.
Here's what I think you need to know about these issues:
The adjacent image represents the transmission of the atmosphere according to the different frequencies of the electromagnetic
radiation. It is different due to the different components of the air that composes the atmosphere. Down is a graph that
shows in percent how much of that electromagnetic wave is stopped by the atmosphere and how not. That means 100% opacity
means that nothing passes, and 0% means that that wave enables the transmission of almost no loss of signal from that
range of wavelengths. I use two equivalent equivalents for describing the wave. Frequency and wavelength. The relationship
between them is the well-known formula c = λ * fwhere c is the speed of light, λ is the wavelength,
and f is the frequency of that wave.
In conjunction with this graph, you must also know that the Earth, the planet Earth, has protection against the dangerous
radiation coming from the cosmos, and especially from the sun. They are called Van Allen belts and are two. Just as I did
before, I'll post a link for those who want to deepen the subject. My purpose is to bring something new or to give me my
views on some notions with which I disagree with current science. We do not need to step on the spot. We move on.
To the article about Van Allen belts.
What do we notice from this graph? There are some areas that allow transmissions in the electromagnetic spectrum on Earth.
These are suggestively called windows. These windows allow the light to reach us and also have enabled the development of
communications technologies. We have nothing to blame for classical radio or television. They have developed based on the
existence of these windows, but they were harmless to the user. The user was always positioned in the security zone
against the powerful transmitter that represented the television tower or the radio antenna. Eventually, some technicians,
from the beginning of radio or television, chose cancer from exposure to the radiation of the antenna. But make sure that
you have never heard of it because it was not advertised.
Transmission domains or transparent areas for electromagnetic waves are not populated with radiation from space or from
another source. This would cause major disturbances to these communications. We can infer that the area where man has
developed telecommunication technologies is a "electromagnetic silence area. This very electromagnetic
silence allowed life to come out of the sea and develop on the surface of the Earth. There is also a window in the radiation
spectrum that arrives on the Earth. This window of life is now the cause of our reactions to harmful microwaves. Live
organisms have not developed effective protection for this type of radiation in the millions of years of evolution
because these radiation did not exist in the spectrum that reached the Earth. So we are disarmed in front of these
radiation and create "curious" forms of reaction to the harmful action of microwaves. These defense reactions have
been interpreted by some doctors as diseases, autoimmune diseases and even cancer.
In my brief onslaught next to death, I saw all this and I could explain it to myself with the engineer's mind. Yeah,
cancer is not feared. Instead, what causes this defense cell reactioncalled
cancer. That is, not dangerous, but extremely dangerous. I was full of cancer. My whole body has been populated, diffused,
by cells that have developed these cancerous recurrences. Now, after more than three years of the protective measures
that have "cured" my body has very few traces of cancer. That's because I stopped the microwave field electromagnetic
spectrum from acting on my body.
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of these invisible rays. Every human organ, near the transmitting center,
the cellular phone antennae, will be more or less affected, depending on the degree of exposure to harmful radiation.
See also what I wrote about radiation illness, and if you think this
information needs to be known by others, spread it. You do not keep them secret. Secrets will kill us for days.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my adventures "Soap bubbles" .
In this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone.