Those seeking protection must admit they have something or someone to fear. You will never seek the solution unless
you realize that you have a problem . For all those who have the problem of microwave defense give you hope. There
are solutions to avoid being affected by microwave radiation.
Physics is causing us problems if it is used by an incompetent. It also saves us.
Michael Faraday (1791-1867) English physicist and chemist. During the boom of electrical discoveries,
it has a significant contribution to early discoveries and developments in electricity. As a recognition of the special
merits in this area, the unit of measurement of electrical capacity was named after this illustrious Farad (ay) scholar.
It is not my intention to develop the narrative about this great scholar please see
about M. Faraday . I'm interested in one of the practical
applications of the scholarly scholar's work. This is an electric device that keeps the electromagnetic field out of
it. In the space inside it, the electromagnetic field is diminished massively.
This theory is not only beautiful, but it is also very true, and you have all seen the science of science playing with the
Tesla coils and creating lightning shows in the markets. They are sheltered from these lightning, otherwise fatal, through
a metallic construction that stops the lethal action at the level of a discharge to Earth. See your device in the next image.
It is also effective for stopping microwave radiation and beyond. I tested this in my house. I made a whole Faraday cage
room. That's how I recovered. I can build you one, anytime, anywhere. But there are some small secrets that I'll keep,
however, for me.
Passive protection methods:
All passive protection methods are based on the attenuation of electromagnetic signals without involving any other energy
in place. They are very simple to wipe: under the ground, under water and under metal , or under any
layer of material that attenuates these waves. This layer should cover all the space around the body. Otherwise, protection
is unnecessary for high frequency waves. A simple obstacle will be bypassed by diffraction. A simple screen does not stop
the waves, especially in case of pollution from multiple and unknown sources.
1. Everyone knows that at the beginning of cellular telephony, under cellars under the thick walls, cell phones were not
working. So a thick layer of ground or reinforced concrete can stop certain wavelengths.
2. The submarines have sonar, they do not have radar because the electromagnetic radiation does not propagate through the water.
Cosmonauts from the International Orbital Station are protected against radiation from the Sun, behind walls full of water.
3. All desktop computers are in metal cases. This is a Faraday inverse cage. It bears the screen name. All those high frequencies
with which our computer is working remain within the cage. We have now revealed to you that this electric device, the Faraday
cage, works in both directions. Stop holding computers without a lid. This is also written in the base card prospectus. How
many of you read that prospectus. The Faraday Cage is one of the cheapest devices for individual protection. It can be applied
from the protection of one person can extend to protecting the whole perimeter of the house.
But, before any protection, you would do well, please, documenting the wave action. In this area, a misapplication of
protection can make it useless, a deadly trap. Do not play with fire. The fire burns.
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of these invisible rays. Every human organ, near the transmitting center,
the cellular phone antennae, will be more or less affected, depending on the degree of exposure to harmful radiation.
See also what I wrote about radiation illness, and if you think this
information needs to be known by others, spread it. You do not keep them secret. Secrets will kill us for days.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my adventures "Soap bubbles" .
In this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone.