Our society, entire world, is a commercial one. Money is the only entity that moves it. Electromagnetic protections you find for sale on the
Internet are part of this sales mechanism. Some are ineffective, others are useless and absolutely none will instruct you
how to defend yourself.
In order to be able to defend yourself effectively, you must first know what you are fighting with.
Before making any kind of protection, it is imperative to document how the electromagnetic waves propagate. To protect
against this modern pollution, it is important to know what we are doing. What is an electromagnetic wave? How
can an electromagnetic wave hurt me? How does this propagate? What can stop it?
These things are not learned in school. They are taught tangentially at high school physics classes. If they
are superficially assimilated, it usually happens that people have the impression that the cute thing,
bought with a bunch of money, which is a microwave transmitter, is also harmless. For those who still hope
to be mistaken I say the following. Your cellular phone has to emit at a distance of 5000 m. It works with
four transmitters (transmitter-receiver) and works in a frequency range between 0.9 GHz and 5.9 GHz
(this on several functionalities). If a microwave works at a 2.4 GHz frequency and fries the dead meat
inside it, what do you think the 4G signal, which has the same 2.4 GHz frequency, near our living cell,
the smart phone do?
Here's the sequence of steps you need to follow to protect yourself effectively:
1. The most important element, in order to be safe, is documenting. Understanding the mechanism of producing
these reactions of pain or even wounds, cysts, in the flesh and on the skin. This website explains how
the electromagnetic waves propagate and especially highlights
areas where they are dangerous. Understanding these drawings is essential in reducing suffering. I avoid
using the term "healing". You are not sick. You are burned. Burn is not a disease;
2. Education in the use of transmitters and many other emitting electronics. Attention, many other electrical and electronic components in
your home cause major electromagnetic field disturbances. Only your bad habits, to use a toy that you thought harmless, brought you into
this situation. They lied to you. They are not safe at all.
3. Avoid misinformation. SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) is not a typical cell phone size. This is a characteristic feature of the body exposed
to radiation. That is, it's about its ability to eliminate the heat generated by the microwave radiation electromagnetic radiation. The body
is alive. It protects by transferring energy from one cell to another. Who tells you that the phone has a SAR coefficient is an idiot or an
4. Switch off the wireless device when you do not need it. Go back to the wire or fiber communication. It's much safer. I would suggest
you do the opposite than now. Do not let it work all the time. Turn on wireless transmission only when you need it. As soon as you finish
the operation, stop the transmission. This will drastically reduce the time you are exposed to harmful radiation. I know it's not comfortable,
but it's safe;
5. Exposure time is an essential parameter. Maybe more important than signal size. Transmitters should be used
as short as possible;
6. Only at this point can you think of protection. Protection can be made passively or actively. I prefer the passive option. We do not know
what long-term effects are exposures to high-intensity electric or magnetic fields. So I prefer to stay in the classical Faraday cage.
This involves having metal around the body. The thickness of the walls and the material are essential in the efficiency of these Faraday
cages. Who thinks a simple carbon fiber fabric will protect it I think he's wrong. And you can prove it by measuring the field. Always
check the effectiveness of any action you take. Here we are talking about measuring devices. Here we are not talking about
impressions . Radiation can only be measured. They do not see or feel like a person who has not been exposed before radiation.
Measure and then decide. We do not play with words. The signal size for permanent exposure is around -80 dBm, or 10pW/cm² for return
after being contaminated and -70 dBm or 100pW/cm² for those still uncontaminated. That is, people whose body has not been taught
radiation. It's strange !? A contaminated and restored person, like me, turns into a "radiation detector". His body adapted to the
danger signal. When they walk on the street and feel stomach burns they make a step away from the electromagnetic bomb carrier or
leave the contaminated area and the burning sensation disappears.
7. Patience and perseverance must characterize you from now on. The effects of radiation will pass slowly. It took me almost three
months for me to have no open wounds on my skin. A young man will heal faster. But if you are not convinced that you are on the
right path and you are still looking for remedies that do not exist, you will not do anything good. In the photo below, the photo
on the right is two and a half years since we first took action to reduce pollution. The photo on the left is made in the midst of
a "skin disease". Totally wrong. And just as wrong were my actions to fight infections. Now I'm almost four years old. There was
no infection, and all treatments to fight infections are done in vain. Why? Are bacteria resistant? Not. There are simply no
bacteria around us. The cell phone sterilizes everything around it. Radiation kills unicellular organisms because they have no
way to unload surplus energy. We defend ourselves that we are multicellular organisms and that we have plenty of water in our
body. The slogan "Drink at least two liters of liquids a day" is made by polluters. The water has a large mass of heat. Heats
up hard. Even though I knew I could be burned again, I used the cell phone, a Nokia E5 for a talk and I was painted in three
places with three spots. This is the middle picture. I'm not afraid to say what these equipment does. I can not wait to sue.
I have proof. Although I do not use it anymore, I kept that device.
8. I can help with the project for your protection facilities and your family. This is done for a fee, but only after I'm perfectly
aware that you understand how you should behave with the transmitters. Otherwise, I recommend that you do nothing but turn off the
devices. After taking certain measures to mitigate the pollution in certain spaces. These spaces become very dangerous for you if
transmitters are inserted there. So you do not play with fire. This fire has some very precise rules. It does not depend on us,
this fire. It depends only on the laws of physics. These laws do not forgive anyone. These laws are very democratic. It kills us
all, no matter if we do not know how to respect them.
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of these invisible rays. Every human organ, near the transmitting center,
the cellular phone antennae, will be more or less affected, depending on the degree of exposure to harmful radiation.
See also what I wrote about radiation illness, and if you think this
information needs to be known by others, spread it. You do not keep them secret. Secrets will kill us for days.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my adventures "Soap bubbles" .
In this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone.