If you do not have logic, in your thoughts and actions, you are lost. The wounds developed in my flesh had to have an
extremely precise cause . Having escaped misinformation in which I swam for more than four years, I saw the cause more
clearly than if someone had shown it to me.
If you think, today, you become too dangerous for liars. You will find the truth.
After I filled up almost all the body with bubbles and I was forced to think to survive, I noticed one thing. All but all
my wounds were related to one or more electronic devices which, in the uninformed man's unconscious mind, I kept close
to my body. I was naive like the whole Earth. I thought it was not possible for state bodies to allow the sale of dangerous
equipment. Only later did I realize that I was wrong about the country. They are there not to protect me and you. They went
there to round up their accounts, lying to defend us and you. It ended with the nostalgic era of romantic knights, where the
defenders were dedicated to the master. Or can I mistake again? They defend their master, but this master is no longer the
society and the people who compose it.
Starting from this sudden awakening to reality I began to think. The wounds were all over my body. What caused them? Slowly, very
slowly, I realized that they were wounds that had developed over a long time. I'm lucky with a good memory. It has helped me to
correlate facts for more than 16 years, before "my illness".
Once we have identified the cause, one, I have found the logical explanation for the occurrence of these injuries. Here's
the logical explanation:
Position of affected areas (Not necessarily, visible wounds on the skin may be painful areas in the case of Fibromyalgia).
1. Finger directly affected by the phone while carrying the device to your ear. Nearly healed injuries because they have not been
talking directly to the ear for several months;
2. The image directly affected by a Nokia E5 phone at the time of a call when the propagation conditions were very poor. On the same
day, my father came to the hospital with a heart problem, and my brother-in-law, who lives in several of my apartments, went to the
hospital with the right hemiparese. The next day, none had anything but the weather conditions had improved. From that moment on, I
did not speak on the phone without a hand-free device. It has been seen that these injuries have healed in about four months, without
much effort to do so (middle picture in the below assembly);
3. A fairly significant shoulder lesion, which I associate with holding the cell phone on the bedside table to keep it at hand;
4. Elliptical lesions on both shoulders due to sleeping with the phone almost, about 30 cm, body;
5. A recent lesion area caused by a Samsung Tab 4 tablet, forgotten, with 4G on the short winter pocket for about 4 hours;
6. A zone I thought a lot about to find an explanation. In the end I was enlightened. Corresponds to the position of the jacket
pockets. When I wear a gown, I do not carry the cell phone in my chest pocket, I put it in one of the pockets of my coat. The
area is symmetrical on the other hand;
7. An older area affected by a Samsung cell phone worn in the side pocket of a short pant. After two hours he hurt me;
8. Small wounds caused by the cell phone positioned in the machine's beaker;
9. Light, superficial wounds as a sunburn caused by a Wi-Fi router. His position was in a neighboring apartment, 30cm from where
I was holding my bed when I was asleep. I was not aware of him. The tablet, which fried me, helped me in this case. With
the help of this I found out that a Wi-Fi network is going through my head;
10. The same Wi-Fi network attacks me when I was watching TV on the wall. It is somewhat symmetrical with a small chest area;
11. Area similar to zone 6. It is located outside the forearm. This area corresponds to the pockets of a garment;
12. The outside of the hand (the back of the palms). This area has a double source of irritation. When I dial, I keep the cell
phone in my hand, but it is also in the equivalent position of a pocket of pants;
13. Loud area affected by a Samsung Galaxy phone worn in the back pocket of the jeans with the Wi-Fi emitter turned on. These
wounds healed themselves after I did not carry the phone there. We have not really used any drugs in this area;
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of these invisible rays. Every human organ, near the transmitting center,
the cellular phone antennae, will be more or less affected, depending on the degree of exposure to harmful radiation.
See also what I wrote about radiation illness, and if you think this
information needs to be known by others, spread it. You do not keep them secret. Secrets will kill us for days.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my adventures "Soap bubbles" .
In this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone.