the arrows are for navigating between the video evidence pages.
This film presents you a whole street between two energetic streams with chaotic distribution.
Between two housing blocks, populated with people, possessing electronic and electro-household
appliances, a huge microwave oven was formed. Plants in time. have accelerated their aging. Their
leaves instead of withering in November at the time of filming September 10, 2018, are already
wilted. They lost about 20% of their lives, the natural wilting period being somewhere in mid-November.
This is the cumulative effect of "electromagnetic smog". It is forcing the dehydration of living
organisms and, as a consequence, the premature aging of those organisms. I do not take such a loss
from my life. If you are indifferent to shortening your life, it is everyone's problem, but
polluting it all around makes my problem a problem for everyone.
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of these invisible rays. As far as I can see, there is no man on this planet
that is not affected, more or less. Ignoring invisible danger leaves you disarmed. The fact that painful signals transmitted
by your body come too late, sometimes coming too late to save you, brings you into a major risk situation. I think you should
document your radiation illness. I do not think it's too advisable to
ignore these warnings. But as the priest says: "Blessed are the poor in the spirit that theirs will be the kingdom
of heaven" Be careful not to come faster than you expect.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my adventures "Soap bubbles". In
this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone.