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You must always have an overview of the systems you are following. Things always happen, according to precise laws. That we do not know them, or we do not see them yet, is another matter. Comparative statistics are displayed on this page, they are the ultimate proof that there is a very close link between the energy around living organisms and the defense reaction called, improper illness, cancer.

the triple arrows are for navigating between documents, the two image carousels are the same, but they work independently to make a comparison between charts, and under graphs find the primary data and explanations

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  • Although countries are ranked in order of energy per capita, the percentage graph appears to vary chaotically. It only seems because there is an energy component that is not taken into account in the degree of contamination. Only artificial energy is taken. A huge s ource of energy is not present in ordering the energy impact per capita. It's about the Sun. It provides an important energy supply to people and it differs a lot from latitude. To balance the situation from a logical point of view, I will refresh the charts, split them into two groups, depending on the country's average latitude. This will make things much clearer and more visible.
  • These results are obtained with the modest means I have at the moment, but with a lot of science. Do you realize what I can do if I have financial resources? Probably that's why I do not. I would be too dangerous for those polluters. God help us that we live hard and curious.

    Here are the primary data. So far I have a secret source, just say it's an internet site.

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