Science gives us the weapons to fight with those who pollute. The statistics are at hand
everyone, but you need to know how to use them. Dead people talk to me. Do not be scared, I'm not crazy, death
statistics the sick and the cause of their death in different countries are very useful. But be very careful, the
statistics is terrible on the number of living patients. Here is only the sample of the dead, not those who struggle,
in the fight with the illnesses invented, and which is much larger.
the triple arrows are for navigating between documents, the two image carousels are identical, but they work independently
to make a comparison between graphics
Study, for your information and your goodness, how many diseases they invented to hide the effects of
radiation contamination. And, their number is much higher. These are the diseases I have been able to explain. I still have
to post at least 25 diseases invented by doctors. All of this forms a great fraud system worldwide. It's a trusty fraud
practiced by physicians who invent your illnesses. Financial fraud, also generated by doctors and pharmacies, which eats
your resources and those of your systems insurance. Everyone is happy only you are sick.
The charts above represent 51 series of deaths from certain diseases and accidents, each for a particular disease. These percentages
may be subjective depending on fashion or medical culture in those countries. The yellow ones I selected to track differences between
developed and less developed countries. As you can see, they have almost the same aura. Those diseases are representative of the
massive microwave pollution in developed countries. So the massive pollution in the respective countries influences increasing the
percentage for certain types of diseases, in developed countries, relative to the least developed.
This is the effect of hiding garbage under the carpet. Massive misinformation in these states is a criminal act. This massive action,
paid, to guide the thinking of physicians, to causes of any kind other than physical, led to this significant difference between the
values for the massively microwave polluted and the least polluted countries. Most causes of death due to illness, such as cancer,
Parkinson and Alzheimer, I personally suspect them to be caused by massive exposure to microwaves and other electromagnetic fields,
especially artificial, more precisely, electronics kills. Here's the ultimate proof. Statistical data can not to be fought at all.
This is the reality we live in, and if we do not take action quickly we will die of these causes, which determines in a very high
proportion (I suspect 75% of all cases) of illnesses that end up with deaths.
The last chart (red background) shows a percentage of 75% of the number of patients. Here I have summed up the percentages from the illnesses that
I consider provoked for the same cause, namely exposure to microwave radiation electromagnetic radiation. As you can see, the graph
is much flattened. Can this uniformity be evidence that 75% of the current disease is caused by the same cause? I do not know what
to believe. This result can also be just the cause of many percent gathering and the conclusion may be erroneous, but anyway I
ask many questions.
Below, in the pdf file, there are the primary data underlying these charts. The first column for each country is the number total deaths
for that disease, and the second column is the percentage. Only the percentages were graphical, That way the total number of sick
people has been eliminated, different from country to country. Thus the graphic representation is unitary and shows us medical mistakes
massive world-wide. Disinforming the population and physicians about the harmful effects of communications, electronics in general,
the greed and imbecile traders and liar politicians, the corruption of product approval regulatory is a criminal action, is called
genocide. Genocide, made on a planetary scale, is incriminated, and if practiced by the great concerts he is applauded, he brings money
into the pockets of the assholes. What do you say to the prosecutors, you grasp the work, or will the people have to defend themselves?
Do you want planetary riots? I do not think so, but that will be close now.
These results are obtained with the modest means I have at the moment, but with a lot of science. You realize what it is
can I do if I have financial resources? Probably that's why I do not. I would be too dangerous for those polluters. God help us that
heavy and curious times we live.
Here are the primary data. So far I have a secret source, just say it's an internet site.
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of this invisible pollution. As far as I can see, there is no man on this planet to
not be affected more or less. The lack of correct information and the underestimation of the power of these radiation has brought you
to the condition sick patients dependent on an equally ill system. Please also see the page explaining "cold burn"
or radiation illness.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my adventures
"Bubbles". There are many explanations and scientific demonstrations in this book explained to everyone. Do not you
think? That's just your problem. The reality is that.