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Science gives us the weapons to fight with those who pollute. The statistics are at hand everyone, but you need to know how to use them. Dead people talk to me. Do not be scared, I'm not crazy, death statistics the sick and the cause of their death in different countries are very useful. But be very careful, the statistics is terrible on the number of living patients. Here is only the sample of the dead, not those who struggle, in the fight with the illnesses invented, and which is much larger.

the triple arrows are for navigating between documents, the two image carousels are identical, but they work independently to make a comparison between graphics

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These results are obtained with the modest means I have at the moment, but with a lot of science. You realize what it is can I do if I have financial resources? Probably that's why I do not. I would be too dangerous for those polluters. God help us that heavy and curious times we live.

Here are the primary data. So far I have a secret source, just say it's an internet site.

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