There have always been dreams on Earth. After the dreamers came the practical people, it was their turn to put their dreams into
practice. Energy weapons, laser guns, are a reality of today.
The dreams of SF movies twenty years ago have come true.
The legend of Prometheus, the one who stole the fire of the gods, comes alive, the first acts are already written and even played.
The well-known ancient legend of Prometheus begins to repeat itself at the current level. From the darkness of the times, it sends us,
beyond an infinite hope that we will come to the powers of the gods, a great warning. The ancient warning is not to stop us from our
relentless research. No, the warning comes from the danger that comes from playing with fire. We play with fire. Very good.
Then why do we surprise that the fire burns? Nobody forbids us, no one forbids us, no one forbids us curiosity, no technology
forbids us, no progress is forbidden, but are we prepared to pay for their cost? strong> The fingers that the ancient
eagle snarls every day to the poor Prometheus are the very concrete warning. From antiquity comes the warning that fire
causes the reaction called CANCER.
At the level of development at that time, the transmission of a signal, a message, over time, over millennia, takes the form of a
legend. Only now we understand that the legend is a form of message encoded at a level where it can be understood after
years and years.
The development of modern weapon systems is beginning to reposition itself in what is supposed to be the journey of massive and blurry
objects to energy and information movement. This era began in 1945 with the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where two
scattered aircraft, ignored by the Japanese defense, overflowned the Japanese airspace and poured their deadly cargo into a huge
furnace , a local sun, far outweighing the effects of some armies of people. The energy era began extremely violent.
But can energy be mastered?
Yes. energy has proven to be very friendly to those who understand it. Instead, energy can be very dangerous for those who
ignore their power and minimize their effects. Violent and uncontrolled forms of atomic explosions have been replaced by
docile forms in power plants, energy has penetrated into homes, all our technology. It has become a condition without which we can
no longer exist.
Modern weapons do not send projectiles anymore. Modern weapons send energy streams, compressed in time and space, large enough to pass the
protections, and at the same time small enough to create only the desired effect. Sometimes you do not have to destroy anything.
It is enough to disable or disable modules in an installation or object so that it no longer serves the purpose for which it was
sent to you. From a weapon, it becomes a harmless wreck. It's still talking about the Direct Energy Weapon. Its presentation is
made by non-specialists. We are seeing huge explosions caused by energy flows from drone or satellites. This is a false image of
this weapon. A picture of Holywood is not a real picture.
This explosion is not required. This weapon is the ninja weapon. It will silently kill, without visible traces, the human brain,
its heart will short circuit and everything will become STOP PLAY. The person in question will be taken out of the circuit, clean,
without squirming, without being scattered on the walls. It will be simpler than a plug-in. The person's vital organs will be
turned off remotely. This will be the perfect crime. No one will know where and how he ordered the individual and death. He
will show signs of organic problems, they will crack, and the individual will die just as if he were dying of good death,
not of provocation. Can it? Yes, and I think these weapons already exist at the serial production level.
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of these invisible rays. As far as I can see, there is no man on this planet
that is not affected, more or less. Ignoring invisible danger leaves you disarmed. The fact that painful signals transmitted
by your body come too late, sometimes coming too late to save you, brings you into a major risk situation. I think you should
document your radiation illness. I do not think it's too advisable to
ignore these warnings. But as the priest says: "Blessed are the poor in the spirit that theirs will be the kingdom
of heaven" Be careful not to come faster than you expect.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my adventures "Soap bubbles". In
this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone.