Life will do what she knows best, will live, fight with anyone, but she will not fight with herself.
Who tells you otherwise to know that he is not informed at all or even is likely to have other hidden
interests. Life will struggle by any means to survive and populate all the environments on this planet, which
assures the existence of a set of parameters that allow the existence and maintenance of life.
Autoimmune diseases do not exist. All so-called autoimmune diseases are different stages of radiation
illness. There are real sufferings, but their cause is hidden, invisible and undetectable through normal
Another madness that darkens your days. I've been over four years since I was struggling with aggressive
pollution. I have seen one thing in these years of struggle with the disease caused by it. Life will
never fight against you. He will fight intruders in the human body. He will fight another life that
wants to invade her, but she will never fight with herself. Autoimmune diseases do not exist. This
statement does not seem more plausible to you: "There are incompetent doctors who have not found
the real cause of the disease."
The greatest danger is the pride of doctors. A doctor should not be wrong. A doctor is not allowed to
say he does not know. What will an incompetent doctor do in this case? He will invent a disease and
give him a name. This action of naming a disease, for which the doctor has no logical explanation,
is a very dangerous fact. At that moment he stopped with all the research on that condition.
Some may feel offended by previous statements. You know he might be right. I have certain phobias and
even a scale of types of people I can not bear. Foolishness, imbecile, is on the third place, in my
list of animosities, traitors and liars. But I have to clarify what this category means to me. A man
may be uninformed. That does not mean I think I'm stupid. But the people to whom you are demonstrating
something, you show them real things, you show them evidence, and they still do not believe in physical,
palpable, measurable and repetitive evidence, at that moment, please understand me very correctly,
those individuals are not adapted to thinking. The only logical deduction is that those individuals
do not possess normal reasoning capacities. So I do not have the power to make someone stupid or
stupid. This attribute is of God, of society, of the parents, and even of the person concerned.
I eventually found a state of affairs. Let's get back to the subject. This paragraph is just a
simple clarification, apparently unrelated to the subject.
So a doctor will give a name to a disease state. The other doctors, like monkeys, will repeat infinitely
the same ineptitude. A false illness will fill the world and the true cause will remain hidden for a
very long time. This is because in the medical field things are moving very slowly. So a disease that
comes out of print will be baptized, a name will be assigned to it, without the disease being linked
to that name or without an identified cause. Diseases, like any element in our universe, have a precise
cause. This disruptive, disturbing situation always has a precise cause. Why did the scientist, doctor,
not identify the cause before naming the disease and describe it for downstream monkeys? Pride to
discover first? To discover first ... what? Half the truth, more dangerous than the lie? This is a
very serious thing.
I'm going to make my enemies out of the doctors, but I can not go as they go. I do not go like a train on the
rail nor wear a goggle. A lot of people with medical training have filled the Internet with a lot of
informational garbage. Perhaps the doctors know their job very well. But that's all. I'm seeing the
goggle problems. They do not see it any further. They see diseases everywhere and invent a disease
very quickly. And caste pride does not let them simply say: "Sir (lady), I do not know." Not. They
invent disease and give them names.
So a lazy and incompetent doctor gave a name to a disease, stopped the research in that area and, worse,
the others followed him like sheep and did no other research. Well, not a doctor. If it has unknown origins
and causes, why did you give it a name? For the other monkeys to roam infinitely the same ineptitude?
You have no respect for your doctor's job. You do not deserve to call yourself a doctor.
You should start ordering in the disease library and those with "origins or unknown causes" to pass on
to other specialists because those causes might be known by others. I am open to collaboration with
any physician. like me there are thousands of specialists who think causally. And here you have pride?
No wonder the world no longer trusts your job. You are limited to the goggles you wear. Dogmas and
procedures guide you thinking and limit your information world. Get out of the doctrines, get out of
the procedures, learn to think relational, causally, you are not a diagnostic machine, you are rational
people. Do not let yourself be guided by the thinking of others. Break, destroy, the graces
in which others are thinking. What if they are wrong? Have you ever asked this question? I strongly
believe that you have to put it more and more often.
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of this invisible pollution. As far as I can see, there is no human on
this planet that is not affected more or less. The lack of correct information and the underestimation of the power of these
radiation has brought you into the condition of sick people dependent on an equally ill system. Please also see the page
explainingradiation illness.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my passions "Soap bubbles".
In this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone. Do not you think? That's
just your problem. The reality is that.