For a long time I have avoided dealing with this subject. Why? Just like that. I think it's not my job and I do not pack
myself where I do not master the notions. I would not even have commented anything now, if I did not get over an
American article with a few suggestive pictures . Some babies with blond-skinned skin, just like my adult skin, and I have
not had a vaccine for at least 37 years.
So, some things do not fit into this hysteria of the vaccines.
I want you to understand some things from the beginning. They're neither pro nor vaccines. The vaccines I took during my
childhood did their job well. They've been immunized and I've been very healthy all my life. Even now, although I have
passed by death, I do not think I was sick. I was massively contaminated with microwaves. Burned by electromagnetic
radiation. Burning, asking doctors, is not a disease. That's why they're burning special hospitals. When I saw
the images in the American article, I realized it IS MY FIELD, it has nothing to do with medicine . Those poor
children are electromagnetic burns.
It goes without saying that they do not exclude in any way the possibility that there are sick minds on the planet. Well,
on the contrary, I'm telling you there are a lot of bastards on the planet. This world hysteria is caused by some of these
bastards. It's not about medicine. The existence of vaccines is just an unfortunate coycid and a very
good opportunity for these bastards to turn everyone's eyes on the "scapegoat," the vaccines. Also, the introduction of
potentially harmful substances into the individual's body is the individual and single person issue, or the parents can
and must decide on the matter.
Vaccination with force is a mess. Nobody can blame you for anything. Epidemics are not caused by people who are not
vaccinated. Epidemics are caused by viruses and bacteria. Forcing people to vaccinate is not a solution.
Find another solution that you are just "LIGHT LIGHT or LIGHT" . Think so you're so smart.
Here is the source of population hysteria against vaccines. (an ignorant and deliberately misinformed population). The technology
company no longer allows product testing in the old entry process. The accelerated pace of development and the greed of some have
led to some essential steps in testing the products in terms of operational safety. The test life of a product, be it a medicine
or an electronic device, has been reduced from 15 years between 1960 and 1980 to several months now. In addition, physical,
immutable laws were ignored in the development of telecommunications in particular. What really happened? A
"smart people" company to make American mothers work has invented an electronic baby-tracking device. Very loud, and the idea
caught on the whole American continent and I think they have expanded now to the whole world.
This surveillance device is a good and useful toy in principle. The American housewife no longer has to stay with her child's
crib, usually in a room on the floor of the typical American house. Do not make unnecessary roads up and down to see if the
baby is okay. But because there is always a gift, a price to pay for anything that seems convenient to you. An extremely
crafted mind attached a surveillance module, a Wi-Fi communications module, one next to the mother, and the other, put it
in the crèche or near the cradle. This is a transmitter (transmitter-receiver) in the microwave field. Microwaves are those
where the microwave ovens roast the meat, the same frequency is even in the transmission device even higher (2.4 GHz at 5.9 GHz).
As you can see, in the first picture, the child has three parallel lines on his stomach. The child in the second image has
linear marks, and the third picture is the loudest, with the letter Z on the chest. So the conclusion is very clear. Either
bacteria and viruses studied geometry or went to film to see Zorro. Are we naïve? These are not bacteria or viruses, they
are traces of electromagnetic burning. These children are burned alive and if nothing is done to get out of the toxic
environment for their body they will die. Please study radiation illness or "cold burn".
These children have a chance only if they intervene properly in their decontamination. Otherwise, they will pass this stage
with Wi-Fi in their crib and begin to walk with cell phones. Being sensitized, their body will react very quickly and
violently to any further contamination. And if you have the misfortune to run into an idiot doctor, their fate is sealed.
Do not you believe me? Watch an older photo. It's the photo of a burned man in the Hiroshima bombing. The same straight
lines in wounds caused by radiation. Do not you see the similar lesions? These kids had a bomb in their couch.
And yet there is no smoke-free fire.
Do not ever think I changed my mind. I can not ignore the massive impact and irritation of many people
who are neither fools nor ill-intentioned to position themselves against a practice that has brought me
benefits. What causes this irritation? Is it just a simple misinformation? I have to
admit it is not. I have long been thinking about this issue and, finally, I found a logical explanation.
This explanation, unfortunately, is also linked to massive energy pollution, in particular, by microwaves.
How is things going on in the little child body?
1. Massive microwave pollution in the apartment, the uninstructed mother using her cellular phone,
near the uterus during pregnancy, and then around the baby, the Wi-Fi router mounted too close to
the child's crib, other unshielded device exposures , implicitly leads to the contamination of the
child's body with energy. In fact, it is a slow boiling of the body cells. They lose water
and come out of the normal operating range. For all of them, the baby's cells are pre-cooked, that
is, they are crushed in low heat. The body of the little ones is exposed just like the
classic film. It may be so, exposed a long time. Just like the movie that takes memories, from
holiday with him, into a photographic workshop.
2. No one, or very few people, are protected from the harmful action of the energy surplus, and they
do not know what steps to take to prevent this pre-breeding of the children's cells. Now the
fatidy moment comes in. The child's body, which is no longer functioning as the vaccines have been
successfully tested, is inoculated with pathogenic germs, dizzy, but potentially lethal, and with
chemicals that help accelerate the reaction to the vaccine. the child no longer faces
this new competition because their cytoplasm no longer contains the required amount of liquid,
especially water, is much more viscous and does not react naturally, naturally, to the latter assault.
Virus attack catches unprepared cells to react. Response times for dangerous agents are prolonged by
cytoplasmic immobility, delayed substance and information transfers. This gives the time
it takes for those dangerous factors innocuous in the child's body to act and, in the absence of
the defense mechanism, they become fatal. In addition, like photographic film, for a
long time, the fatigue of vaccination appears. At that point, the substances in the vaccine behave
like the developer in the photographic process and trigger the reaction to reveal the previous
exposure. I thought it was just a coincidence, but it is not. The moment of vaccination only
triggers the moment of transformation of exposed cells from solids into semiliquids. There is a competition of factors in this process. Microwaves expose
the cells to harmful energy, and the substances in the vaccine are the REVELATOR. They trigger
the chemical transformation process of the cells.
I hope I do not have to show you how classic photography works. There have been dozens of generations
who have taken pictures. Only at the end of the day did we all forgive everyone and forgot that
there are phenomena of exposure, revelation and fixation. God help you, dear children, no more
stupid cellular mothers. So whoever yells against vaccines does not scream for nothing. The vaccine
does not produce those reactions on the children's body and even their death. It is, only trigger factor, CATALYST.
The cells are no longer operating within the normal operating range. It's as if your
car would work with oil instead of gasoline. And the oil burns, it burns harder, but it burns.
All functional parameters are overhead at the cell level. The phenomenon is all over
the baby. His body will cede under the pressure of non-lethal virus infection combined with
roasted cells under the harmful action of microwaves. But vaccine is not the main
cause of the disease or the death of some children. This invisible pollution that acted upon
the mother and the baby alike. The child is just a victim sacrificed on the altar of greed.
God give us a mind!
Are you playing with fire? Why do you wonder that the fire is burning?
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of this invisible pollution. As far as I can see,
there is no human on this planet that is not affected more or less. The lack of correct information
and the underestimation of the power of these radiation has brought you into the condition of sick
people dependent on an equally ill system. Please also see the page explaining radiation illness . It's not my fault that
you do not know about these things. Put your hand on the book, measure it, inform yourself, and then
see if it plays with the fire you're coming in. Usually the fire does what it knows best ... it burns.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my adventures "Soap bubbles" .
In this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone.