On this planet, along with living organisms, all sorts of diseases have appeared. The struggle for existence
takes different forms. One of them is parasite. From bacteria to more evolved organisms, they all parasite
in one way or another.
In all of my pages I will only refer to information on Wikipedia or other trusted pages.
Real Lyme Disease is an infectious disease caused by the aggressive action
of Borrelia bacteria. (Borrelia burgdorferi). It is transmitted only by an infected tick bite. Not all ticks are infected with
Borrelia. I will not develop this subject in any way than in the mind of my brain engineer. I have never been sick of this while
I was a very active person. I made touristic orientation, it means running with the legs discovered in the woods, we did a lot of
hiking and lately we went with family with the tent on a fishing trip or on a mountain. I confess that I have not met ticks, what
about the infected ticks. I tell you all this so that you understand that it is very unlikely that all the ticks will suddenly go
mad and far less likely to be all bacteria-carrying. There has to be something far more dangerous because many rich people struggle
to create a fog on this subject. If there is truth, they will start to lose a lot of money. Those are able to bribe everybody.
This is so for you not to discover the true cause of your illness.
Even though I was not infected I read a lot about this disease and I have my conclusions. I'm going to expose them here. Put
aside prejudices and hysteria of any kind. Otherwise, please start by thinking with your own head. What you need to know in
this real illness:
1. To be infected, you must have at least one infected tick bite;
2. An area with alternating red circles of different shades is formed around the bite. It resembles a shooting target as in the
pictures below;
3. If you really have this disease you will have symptoms very similar to a strong insolation. I stop here. The real disease,
though very serious, is treatable by antibiotics and will be easy to treat, although many doctors are of the other opinion.
If you do not have those drawings on the skin like the ones above. Be sure you have everything and everything other than
Lyme disease. But please be very careful. Symptoms are very similar to the real disease and you can be deceived. I have
nothing to lose for a long time with this misinformation.
The name Lyme is used only as misinformation to cover something that causes exactly the same symptoms as true Lyme disease.
In fact, you have radiation illness or "cold burn" click on them to see what you're experiencing. It is a deadly disease and
I do not recommend anyone to play with this disease. It dies and is not a light and beautiful death at all. In addition,
there is a risk of staying disabled and you will become a burden to your family. Do not play with fire. It burns. I
especially die young people and this is not normal to a disease. Generally, young organisms are more resistant to disease.
But let's not forget that the same organisms are of active people, much more exposed to this criminal pollution.
A good thing about last year is that we did not find images that would be declared as Lyme and be anything else. It seems
that our efforts to counter misinformation have come to fruition. At least in safe environments it has begun to talk about
the right symptoms and images. Last year there were many images that were otherwise certain. The world was very disoriented.
Now it's fine, but there are plenty of fights to fight.
It is equally true that you can have both diseases at the same time. Absolutely nothing prevents them from coexisting. The
real Lyme disease and radiation illness can coexist on and in your body. The first is infection, and the second is burning.
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of these invisible rays. Every human organ, near the transmitting center,
the cellular phone antennae, will be more or less affected, depending on the degree of exposure to harmful radiation.
See also what I wrote about radiation illness, and if you think this
information needs to be known by others, spread it. You do not keep them secret. Secrets will kill us for days.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my adventures "Soap bubbles" .
In this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone.