Lupus disease is classified as "TUBERCULOSIS OF SKIN" but what do you do when another disease occurs with the
same name? I mean, a wrong diagnosis of a burning of the skin. Do not you think? Read the following. If it is not logical
to send me your email. You play with fire, and the fire burns. Do not you know?
In all of my pages I will only refer to information on Wikipedia or other trusted pages. But this time there are a lot of nonsense
on these pages. Better read from the page in Romanian is much closer to the truth.
Due to the fact that the current sources of information are definitely controlled directly or indirectly by the polluters, I have turned
to an older source. "The New Health Book". Medical Publishing House, Bucharest, 1970. It is an old one, but thanks to it we are the
whole family healthy.
"Lupus, the most important form under which skin tuberculosis is manifested is lupus. The first sign of unimportant illness. on the
healthy skin of the face, cheeks, nose, forehead, ear lobe or hands appear small red or brown nodules, the size of some needle
sticks. Within a few months these lesions worsen; new series of nodules appear, and the old ones abrade, ulcerate, stretch, and
can contain the mucous membranes. The evolution of the disease is chronic. Untreated wrinkle lesions destroy tissues around and
eventually heal, leaving scars important, unsightly, sometimes even mutilating.
The first important step in the treatment of this manifestation of tuberculosis was made by Danish physician Niels Ryberg Finsen
(1860-1904) who applied ultraviolet radiation. To this discovery, Finsen received the Nobel Prize in 1904. Today, this treatment
has been replaced by vitamin D and especially by tuberculostatic treatment. The latter directly destroys the tuberculosis microbe,
preventing the spread of lupus lesions. Prophylaxis: Tuberculosis alone is not contagious. The risk of contamination exists only
when a lupus patient also suffers from open pulmonary tuberculosis (cavernous). However, it is necessary for people in a
lover's illness to comply with all the hygiene measures indicated in case of contact with tuberculosis patients. "
That's how it's written in that old book. The disease is real is an infectious disease that can also be contagious. But it is
treatable and is a very rare disease. The pictures above are pictures of the real Lupus disease.
I've seen what doctors have written before. I'm an old school engineer. I think causally and always when I say something means
we have found a real connection between cause and effect.
Let's start with some pictures. Below you see pictures of the faces of several people who have been diagnosed with Lupus.
It's an erroneous diagnosis . From the beginning, they seemed to me like burns of people who went to artificial tanning
and were forgotten in the camera. But they were not forgotten in a device. They were willingly exposed to the rays of that device.
One of the main culprits can be the so-called virtual reality machines that position your cellular phone less than 10 cm from
the front and keep it there for a long time. The burning area of this appliance is somewhere in a sphere with a radius of 30 cm
and your face is exactly inside that sphere.
Another explanation is the following. The possessor of the face with the beautiful butterfly painted on it is also the owner of
a cell phone with a metal back case. It behaves like a mirror and sends it all the energy flow of the transmitter exactly into
the cheeks. The inner ear is warm and instinctively the person moves the phone to the other ear. In this way there is a
symmetrical burn on both cheeks. Usually this happens to people who have a cell phone attached to the ear. Especially women
have this habit of having long conversations. Of those more than 90% of the Lupus erroneous diagnostics are women. In addition,
in women, blushing of the face leads to extra irritation of the face, and then these beautiful butterfly shapes appear more
easily. A chemical burn is cumulated over an electromagnetic one. Face skin is attacked. So it's not far from Lupus, the
infectious disease. Those people suffer from radiation illness or so-called cold burn. As you can see, some celebrities have
the same face problems. No one is immune to the action of these rays. They burn any kind of skin. disregarding the laws of
physics inevitably leads to disaster. Failure to recognize the phenomenon and the ignorance of doctors can directly lead to
the loss of human lives. Only apparently inexplicable people start to die by young people. See the radiation illness or
"cold burn".
TAll of these people have their face burned by electromagnetic radiation.
Another legend is the painful area of people with Lupus. If you really had Lupus there would be no painful areas inside the body.
Instead of electromagnetic burning, which no one stops penetrating deep inside the body, you will find many painful areas. These
painful areas are bordering on where you use or carry a cell phone in operation. The areas that are most likely to be painful are:
the neck and face area, the surrounding areas with the pockets or the ladies handbag, the thigh area where we have the back
pockets of the jeans or the trousers, the areas close to the cell phone position near the bed where we sleep or areas near a
Wi-Fi router in operation near where we spend a lot of time, as well as the palm area if we're used to talking with the cellular
phone in your hand. Our habits combined with technical insights make us fry our nerves and bones. That area, in time, becomes
very painful. Pain is an alarm signal that needs to be very well understood.
It is equally true that you can have both diseases at the same time. Lupus real illness and false Lupus can be present at the
same time Absolutely nothing prevents them from coexisting. The real Lyme disease and radiation illness can coexist on and
in your body. The first is infection, and the second is burning.
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of these invisible rays. Every human organ, near the transmitting center,
the cellular phone antennae, will be more or less affected, depending on the degree of exposure to harmful radiation.
See also what I wrote about radiation illness, and if you think this
information needs to be known by others, spread it. You do not keep them secret. Secrets will kill us for days.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my adventures "Soap bubbles" .
In this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone.