Who doubts we are directly from the monkeys? People are far inferior to monkeys. At least the monkeys
adapt to the environment where they develop and live. There is no exaggeration. People are monkeys
because they monkey, they do not think.
Let's not lose our good habit of providing information from multiple sources. Even though I believe that
evolution will erase misinformation in our lives, this process will take place slowly due to several
objective causes. One is the medical tradition and the irrational pride of doctors, in other words,
infatuated and misinformed, the doctors will not bring the fundamental truth to sight, they will
continue to grind the same inepots for centuries now, if not stop nobody.
Here's what doctors write about flu in Wikipedia. I
have something else to tell you, the version my engineer's mind takes and the logic of the one who
knows a little more physical than doctors. Can I tell you a secret? Physicians do not know physics.
Physicians did not like physics, they ran away like the hell of incense. Neither logic does not like
them, they do not build patterns of thinking. Get one silly on the mouth and the others r
epeat it infinitely like a medical dogma, in a word, monkey, some monkeys and these doctors. Saving
do you want to come from these? Naive.
I had 56 years of life to wake me up. I am a man like any other, maybe a lot more fortunate
than the others, but nothing, anything else. I'm trying to keep myself decent in an ocean
of misinformation.
Many have the impression that I'm so proud. I assure you it's just an impression. The fact that I have
good knowledge gives me the necessary stubbornness to fight with all the fools, not peer. I am far above
them. I tell you the truth, even if you, that truth, seems fantastic to you. I will give you the logical
thread of reasoning and the logical evidence of the existence of the truth that I am revealing to you.
I have the duty to inform you. From here on, it is your duty to reason logically and convince yourself
of the truth. I'm convinced, otherwise I would not start writing. From here on, it's just your problem
whether or not you will be defending yourself against misinformation. I did my duty. I have informed
you and I have done it fairly and honestly, and even show you how you can fight me if you want to.
To fight me, you have to measure. To approve you have to measure. So get your hand and measure.
Then you can talk or write, not before. I have measured.
Causality, the causal relationship, besides motivation, is one of the levers that move things in this
universe. You have to start by inventing all the possibilities of causal relationships. And
above all, you have to realize that reality is immutable and that a cause can generate one or more
effects. It will look strange to you, but a root cause, a cause independent of people, is
the cause of the flu. It is a cause in the universe, a real cause, but very difficult to understand
by the profane. I'm used to making measurements and making decisions on them. Well, the phenomenon is
so complex and huge that I do not have the means to do research on a planetary or solar scale scale.
I'm just an ant crushed by the immense problem. But, unlike others, I do not keep my mind stuck in
dogma. I can not measure, it is not a problem, I can reason based on logical reasoning, I can draw
real conclusions, and if they are not exactly the exact ones, at least they are most probable.
This is a typical case of twisting causality. This twist of cause and the confusion of effect
with cause is the greatest sin of mankind. The lack of causal education and the habit of correct
reasoning has led to these global anomalies and to the imbecile question: "All right, all the others
are wrong?" I will answer you with a question: Is this possible? Is it possible for doctors
across the planet to make a mistake and one person to see clearly? Well, no matter how small you may be,
read the following, logically reasoned with your head, and this possibility will seem to you not only
logical, but also very simple, causal and motivational. Besides, I'm not the only one on the planet
who thinks so. I'm just the first, stupid enough to make it public. I have met many who think like me,
but many are frightened by the doctrines of medicine. I do not have such inhibitions. Sir, if
you're stupid ... you're stupid. (Why do we need to look at the truth, not the dogma?
Let's do a little bit of history, and in the case of flu.
Here's a brief history of the flu that has worsened the past centuries:
The A H1N1 influenza virus, which caused the SPANISH FLU during January 1918 -
December 1920, infected 500 million people, estimated 50-100 million people -3%
of the world's total population).
The A H2N2 influenza virus that caused the ASIATIC FLU between 1956-1958 does
not even know the number of people infected, but the death rate is estimated at 1 -4 million
people .
The influenza virus, which caused the HONG KONG FLU in 1968-1969, does not even know
the number of people infected, but the death toll is estimated 1-4 million people
like Asian flu.
The A H5N1 influenza virus (but in fact a multiple virus virus) that caused the AVIATION FLU
over the period 2003-2014 with 701 cases of disease and 407 fatal cases ,
58%, but with an extraordinary hysterical presentation across the world.
The influenza virus of the type A H1N1 / 09, which "caused" SORENSION FLU in 2009-2010.
Virus combined, according to doctors, of avian influenza virus, human influenza virus and swine flu
virus. infected 10-200 million people estimated 18500 confirmed by laboratories but 150000
total estimated .
he combination of H3N2, A H1N1 and B viruses, which causes "SEASONAL FLU affecting 5-15%
of the world's population, in 340 million and one billion people, and deaths are estimated
at 250000-500000 people a year, every year, ... every year.
We stop here by enumerating the multitude of "viruses that cause" these deadly maladies and remember
that this diversity of "little shit" is one of the evidence that I am right, and the magnitude of the
phenomenon and the fact that it can not be mastered is another proof that everyone else is wrong. I do
not want to get in on any other way, I do not want to get ideas from any doctors, I do not want to see
viruses anymore, I do not want to see misinformation anymore. I want the truth, whatever this is to be
said, loud and blunt. We are in an informational mess and we do not want to get out of there. Do we
like this?
What is flu, personal arguments, tested on my own body. Who does not believe to repeat my experiences.
If it was not such a serious and dangerous problem, after I had recovered, I would go further and see
my life. I have a beautiful job, being my passion for a life, I do not feel when I work, I work with
pleasure at work. But the problem is extremely dangerous and serious, as you can see from the figures
shown above.
1. First personal experience first signs of question.
I was in the recovery period after that in 2014 I was almost near to corner because of the exposure to
the dangerous microwave radiation that altered my living environment. I was very sensitive to radiation
of any kind. My daughter asked me to drive her to the Zalău County Hospital to take her as a resident
pharmacist. Knowing that I was sensitive all along the road, just over an hour's walk, because it was
a very humid weather with bad propagation, we asked her to shut down the cell phones. We only started
them when we got to the hospital parking lot. About 30 minutes after the cell phone is switched on,
I alone, I turn on the 4G network to search for certain documents on the Internet. He ate me in the
ass. I immediately sneezed twice in a row. Immediately we closed the 4G network, I waited nicely to
come my daughter, whose phone I was waiting for, then I closed both phones and came home. Now is the
first time I write about the evidence that cell phones irritate the nerves of sensitive people, and
the second time they write about their action on the human body. See also the following articles,
will help you better understand the phenomenon. Parkinson's disease is a degenerative disease such as
Alzheimer's disease and
Multiple Sclerosis differs only from the place of action of radiation at the central level or
at the periphery, but all, in principle, are slow burns of the neurons in the muscles and the head.
2. Second personal experience, the worst. That day I was very close to suffocation death.
It was a marvelous feast, some would say that God struck, that we were working on the day of Holy Mary.
I was late with a project to be taught, and I had to recover, as I can and when I can, the time lost
by others. I have no death-line anymore. Life is too short to lose it with urgency. Let me introduce
you to the changes in my environment. We just bought two HP computers and an HP monitor. We were
working on two computers at a time. One was doing calculations, and the other drawing the plant project.
At one point, an uncontrollable and unstoppable sneezes. I do not pay attention to this and go down
to the apartment under my apartment where we were to celebrate the mother who has the name Maria.
We're about two hours out there, when my sneeze ends. I did not know how time passed. I came home
to the office. After five minutes, sneezing begins again. Oops !. What was changed in my previous
environment? The two computers and the monitor. I'm looking at computers with a thick metal case.
There was little logic to influence me. The monitor, in turn, was in a plastic case.
I stop the monitor and instantly stops my sneeze. We've identified the guilty guy, but as I have to be
sure, check the reverse. I wait about 10 minutes and turn on the monitor. At about two minutes again,
the sneeze tendency begins, that nerve irritation that tells you what's next. We did not stand much on
the booths, we stopped the monitor and took it off the desk. I thought we escaped. Well, I did not
escape. What followed did not want my enemies, no matter how bad they were. The night that followed,
everything, but absolutely everything, that could flow from me, went on. Throat, neck, urine abundantly.
All night we had a pronounced flu. I was almost choking in my sleep and I had to get up out of bed to
urinate very often.
After a week, seven days of "flu" without taking any treatment, besides vitamin C, everything was over,
as if nothing had happened. It is well understood that the monitor has "flown" off my desk, and I have
seen from the life of shit I have since I have been contaminated with electromagnetic radiation in
abundance from my devices and those of neighbors "minitechnicus".
3. The third experience, one not as violent as the previous one, but almost exactly the same, with the
difference that it kept a little.
Neither me, like many engineers and scientists, can I boast that I have all the "tiles on the house".
I often experience myself and my body, I am my own guinea pig. Looking for a method of blurring or
even annihilating the effects of electromagnetic pollution on the body, what makes me sick with the
"head"? As if the neck were surrounded by permanent magnets, the head would be protected from
electromagnetic pollution. What has a logic. But like many Internet imbecils, I've acted as well.
I was somewhere in the magazine, some magnetic ribbon. Said and done. I wrapped it like a cat, around
my neck and waited for me to see the "beneficial" effects. Instead of beneficial effects, symptoms
of influenza have just appeared as in the previously described case. This time I did not find out
much about these symptoms. I abandoned the idiotic idea and came to the conclusion that no active
method of protection can exist. That's because the energy that acts on the cells is energy and you
can not attenuate energy with another energy, be it static. Energy is scalar. It just accumulates
in the cells, irritating them and aging prematurely.
I still have many experiences, more or less significant, but these three consider that they are
most convincing about my knowledge of what causes and maintains the flu.
So, my definition of the flu. It is a definition that results from my own experience and is not
copied from anyone.
Influenza is an early stage of the body mass bombarded by electromagnetic radiation. This
reaction is called radiation illness.
Higher reaction levels lead to blocking cells by transforming them from semiflues to solids, which
causes death.
Influenza epidemics are cyclical, seasonal. They are determined by the Earth's position in
the Sun's electromagnetic field. Strong> The energetic lobes are symmetrical to the astro, and
in its trajectory, the Earth passes through these energetic lobes, spring and autumn, the seasons
with the tip of the flu cases. With influenza pandemics, which are also cyclical, of
varying intensity and impact, we can surely advance the hypothesis that they link to the position
of the Sun in the Milky Way. No one has ever made this correlation. Here are the "first crazy on
the planet"
What are the viruses? What about these "organisms"?
Well, VIRUSES DO NOT EXIST. It's the biggest lie of this planet. I'll deal
with the topic separately at the misinformation section. Here I just say:
Thus viruses are cells, cell fragments and DNA caused by the destructive action of electromagnetic
radiation of cells of the living body, animal, plant, or insect. Plants are more resistant due to
their color. Breaking the cells takes place harder. The water protects them from drying.
Under the conditions of solar radiation, in the absence of water, any unicellular organism, bacterium
or other is STERILIZED, that is, it dries, loses water and dies.
Conclusions come naturally, logically, from the ones outlined above.
Do you want your beasts, animals, insects and plants to come back, never to make a flu? Then
restore the natural electromagnetic environment around them.
In addition, if you want to forget about the flu and never have the flu anymore? Re-design homes,
animal shelters, including electromagnetic protection against cosmic radiation randomly spread
across the Earth's trajectory. In this way the irritation caused by natural, cosmic radiation,
as well as artificial irritation created by witches of smartphones, televisions and virtually
anything that works with electricity, will be diminished, and your body will become more and
more healthy.
Protecting yourself will forget about many diseases, which in fact are different stages of radiation
illness. I will enumerate some, without much mistaking. (I'm interested in, at least, the opinion of
the medical specialists). Plague, flu, cholera, leprosy, organic diseases, diabetes, hepatitis,
pancreatitis, obesity and many more will become historical diseases if we know what to do to protect
ourselves from the invisible environment.
Observe the cycling of the tip of the flu. Influenza has an annual cycle, but it seems to
have another multi-year cycle, about 12 years when large-scale epidemics occur. 1920
Spanish flu. 1920 + 12 = 1932 the great world crisis, they did not have flu weather. 1932 + 12 =
1944 Even when everyone was fighting, I do not think they had time for the flu. 1944 + 12 = 1956
(1956-1958) Asiatic flu. 1956 + 12 = 1968 (1968- 1969) Flu Hong Kong 1968 + 12 = 1980. No major
events. 1980 + 12 = 1992. No major events. 1992 + 12 = 2004 Avian influenza 2004-2016 Swine flu
and swine fever.
If I were at the mercy of the doctors and their methods, I was dead now. So ...
Think. This does not hurt you in any way.
See for more details and radiation illness or read the
book with my adventures "Soap Bubbles !?". In this book you can find many explanations and
scientific demonstrations explained to everyone.
In order to support our work, to reveal the hidden and uncomfortable truths for the villains, please donate
as much as you think. The purpose of this money is to purchase recording devices for this pollution,
sophisticated and extremely expensive appliances. This website is maintained and maintained on the waterline
with my personal effort. It will work as long as I breathe, and at the same time, I will publish
scientifically proven, factual information based on causality and motivation, the only real motors
of mankind. The equipment is not necessary to prove me. I have proven everything I say. The apparatus
is necessary to protect innocents by demonstrating to the authorities the world genocide to which I am
forced to assist helplessly. In other words, ... I speak alone.