Depending on many factors we have to think. Exposure to radiation is very random. Radiation exposure depends on the
position of the source, the signal strength and, extremely importantly, the exposure time . All of these factors
make the exposure very different and "chameleonize" in many other diseases.
We have noticed, over time, that there are many types of diseases whose primary source is certainly the exposure of
body cells to radiation. Radiation can affect parts of an organ or whole organ. It starts to work flawlessly, and
here's how radiation has caused an organic disease, like diabetes and hepatitis, blindness. Radiation makes dysfunctions
more and more pronounced until the total weakening or even the death of the organ concerned.
The multitude of positions and places of action, the varying intensity of action, makes this disease extremely difficult
to distinguish from old diseases that doctors have taught at school. Sometimes the symptoms are the same as those of a
known disease, but in fact, it's just an unfortunate resemblance. Radiation, in my opinion, is the "mother of all
diseases". You will see, if you follow my logical thread of demonstration, how many current diseases are directly
related to electromagnetic radiation. Please also refer to the Modern Disease section,
where you will see a number of diseases in the recent disease list, which are in fact different stages of radiation
Depending on many factors, we have different stages of the same disease:
1. In mild forms, such as false Lyme disease, radiation illness manifests with nausea, vomiting, bad overall. Mainly the
mucous membranes are strongly irritated. You will sneeze uncontrollably, you will have stomach, intestinal, duodenal or
colon problems. Lungs may also be affected. But most of the time, you will have little superficial pain in areas where
you have the cell phone the most.
2. Depending on where you wear the cellular phone. For example, a man wearing a cell phone very often in his clothes
pocket has every chance of doing diabetes. Why? Because that pocket is just above the pancreas and it's bombarded all
the time with the radiation will start to work flawlessly. For the same reason burns will appear on the skin. In the
areas where you wear the cellular phone and the area where you use it. A very beautiful and symmetrical form of butterfly
may appear on your face. Because of this, Lupus disease is used as a screen to cover this burn on the face. Also at a
more intense and long-lasting exposure, painful areas that will be covered by another fake screen will appear.
Fibromyalgia is another invention made to cover electromagnetic burning with a lie. All painful areas are areas
where you have a cell phone in operation for longer.
3. An important step is when you go to a doctor. Although you have clear radiation poisoning symptoms, it will give you
an erroneous diagnosis. This is because it does not know these effects of electromagnetic radiation. You want a correct
diagnosis. go to a military doctor. They have already been informed about this disease. You can die, the soldiers still
do not. In the advanced stages of the disease, you will begin to decompose by yourself. Your skin and your flesh will
begin to eliminate dead cells. Depending on the area where you live and the diet or the substances with which you
lubricate the skin will appear particles of different shapes. These may be sandy grains, as in my case or in the form
of yarns or fibers. Remember that everything in our body is in the form of fibers. I can not confirm this statement.
I said we did not have this, but it's perfectly plausible to remove fiber. This is a very dangerous stage you are on
the brink of death. From here, a wrong diagnosis is a ticket for meeting with the Creator. A dangerous toy is the
device to watch children in bed. A cretin mounted a Wi-Fi emitter. It filled the children with very obvious bumps and
burns. What did the mothers do? "We do not vaccinate our children anymore." Very bad, damn mother. Your child is
burned alive. You're the one who burned your baby alone. You and your technical culture have put an electromagnetic
bomb near the child's skin. Its skin is burned by that toy made to make your life easy. The child's life was
endangered. Are you feeling better now? No vaccine is to blame. There are some tricks that have sold you a bomb
for the baby's crib.
4. Hazard can play a major role in your evolution. If the cell phone is mainly used in the head area. Waves emitted by
it will weaken the blood vessels and neurons in the brain, ear area and eye area. Three very important elements to be
healthy and alive. I give you an example. Electromagnetic bombing of a blood vessel leads to the weakening of the
connections between its cells. We go to a binge and drink a wine that increases our tension. The weakened jet ship
breaks and floods an area of the brain. Stroke and a perfectly normal man turn into a vegetable. We become a burden
for those around us. In this case, death would have seemed a blessing.
5. If you continue to ignore these warnings and continue the exposure, you will die. It's not an easy death. It is an
ugly death with pain and many tears. You decompose alive. This happens when contamination exceeds the regeneration
capacity of the tissues and in an accelerated way the body yields. You see more and more young people who die. Apparently
there would be no reason for that to happen. They are active people. Yes, but there are non-trained people in the
electromagnetic field and they were roasted by themselves. At some point this happens. Live cells can no longer bear
the immense energy they are bombarded with every day and leave us. Then you died like a fool. You died burned alive
by your own communication devices.
6. If your biological mother, uninstructed and misinformed by these devious criminals, wore you in the womb for nine
months to know that the uterus does not provide any protection against electromagnetic radiation. If she wore a cute
little girl's purse right in front of her, that is, in the uterus? There is a chance that congenital malformations,
bnormal limbs or abnormal excrescences, your physical debility, mental debility, dyslexia, or strange behavior may be
due to the fact that the pre-emergence embryo made the beach electromagnetic radiation from a very popular cell phone
your mother. Strange coincidence? No, it's just your mother who lied to her and they did not tell her that the toy is
dangerous. She involuntarily screwed you up for life. There's no cheap remedy for these things.
7. Obesity is also an effect of exposure to radiation. in addition to irritating mucous radiation and cells. These, to
protect themselves, store a large amount of liquid. The water is very massive. Heats up hard. By increasing the volume of
water, the cell defends against overheating caused by exciting radiation. The slogan "Drink two liters of liquids a day"
was made by polluters in the hope that you will never notice that you fry at low heat.
8. The effects of radiation on unicellular organisms are devastating. Bacteria and viruses have no way to unload the
extra energy they receive through electromagnetic waves. They start by boiling from the inside outwards and eventually
burning. So the nice device you hold in your hand and you proud of it is a sterilization device. Around it you will
find the cleanest area on the planet. They are no longer viruses and bacteria. They were incinerated by the cellular
phone. So do not look like crazy bacteria, viruses or fungi. They did not become overnight resistant to antibiotics
and other drugs. The answer is much simpler. Medicines have become ineffective and unnecessary because there are no
longer any viruses, bacteria or unicellular fungi. They were sterilized by radiation. It would be a good element if
it were limited to bacteria and viruses. Our cells are also burned. A little harder, but they're finally burned. They
transmit the heat to the other neighboring cells, but this transfer also has certain limits. Most of the time the
limits are outdated and our cells suffer the same transformations, and eventually die and are transformed into cysts.
The body will look like a foreign material and will try to eliminate them. But in front of him is the skin barrier.
Our body will break the skin and remove the dead cells. Our body, through the mechanisms of self-protection, creates
our wounds. He has to clean up. Eliminate dead material.
9. No death will give you peace. Electromagnetic radiation sterilizes everything around the source. Bacteria do not
survive the high energy flow. They are mono-cellular organisms. They have no place to drain the surplus energy. They
overheat and die. So, after you die, instead of rotting like an honest and honest dead, you will dry up. There will
simply be no one to make your flesh rot.
So this play with electromagnetic radiation does not give us peace from conception to even after death. It would be
good for the housewives irritated by this knowledge that they have no place to hold in their bank and not to exclaim.
"I've had this before." Before what? Before Electromagnetic Radiation? I'm not that old. And it is not only cellular
phone that generates dangerous radiation. There are hundreds of other types of mass-produced devices. So everybody
has some electrical or electronic stuff next to him. That device can put her life at risk.
It is a modern disease. It's a technological illness. Unfortunately, many try to hide misery caused by a planetary
scale. If you judge with your own head. You will have the chance to get better.
You will not think and you will remain in the misinformation site. Pray! Death is the pleasant side of the outcome.
You can stay invalid. This will make your life a torment, and you will also torment others.
Nobody, absolutely anyone, is immune to radiation. Whoever thinks the opposite is either very naive or very conceited.
In order to support our work, to reveal the hidden and uncomfortable truths for the villains, please donate
as much as you think. The purpose of this money is to purchase recording devices for this pollution,
sophisticated and extremely expensive appliances. This website is maintained and maintained on the waterline
with my personal effort. It will work as long as I breathe, and at the same time, I will publish
scientifically proven, factual information based on causality and motivation, the only real motors
of mankind. The equipment is not necessary to prove me. I have proven everything I say. The apparatus
is necessary to protect innocents by demonstrating to the authorities the world genocide to which I am
forced to assist helplessly. In other words, ... I speak alone.