Wireless communications are interesting. You know they're also extremely dangerous . One thing is certain, in the old
days, if you had a transmitter, you had to respect extreme protection conditions. Now, every bitch has, in his hand, a small
electromagnetic grenade. and with it spreads, around him, toxic, cancer-causing energy.
A wireless communications chain is basically formed of two physical entities. One is transmitter and
the other is called receiver . This is just a sense of transmission. The other sense of transmission also
has the same two components: a transmitter and a receiver. So if I want two-way communication, at each end of this channel
or communication chain, we will have a transmitter and a receiver.
If the receiver is an element that we have used for years in the house, everyone has a radio or TV and they are not dangerous
to the body, not the same thing we can say about the transmitter. The transmitter, in order to reach the other receiver, must
emit an electromagnetic wave of an impressive intensity into space in the ether. This wave is even stronger as the transmitter
is farther away from the receiver it communicates with. The maximum distance to which a transmitter communicates is given by
the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave emitted. It is known by many people and for a very long time that wave frequency
is inversely proportional to a physical size called penetration depth . That is, long-range radio waves
penetrate far beyond short or ultra-short waves, or otherwise, to get to the same place, the emitted energies are much higher
for higher frequency waves than for lower frequency waves.
So, the length of the communications chain is determined by frequency, but it is further determined by the technological level,
that is, the sensitivity of the receiver and the emitter emission power. The frequencies we operate today are far superior to
classical radio waves. They were also called before 1989, where they were decimetric and centimetric and were used successfully
in the radars . This area, through a happy timetable or simply from the negligence of a highly-developed
observer, gave rise to a very popular household product over a period of time, the microwave oven. That operator noticed
that his sandwich was warm if he held it near the magnetron. That's why microwave heaters have a magnetron that initially
works at the 0.9GHz frequency, and with moderner microwave ovens, it works at the 2.4GHz frequency. If these waves, by this
frequency, heat the dead meat in the microwave, what do you think the electromagnetic waves of a smartphone with live flesh
do? These frequencies are exactly 0.9GHz for the GSM signal carrier, namely the 2.4GHz 3G and 4G respectively 2.4GHz, and
the Wi-Fi network works on channels with a frequency range of 2.4GHz and 5GHz, 9GHz. If you think they are harmless, you
are bitterly deceiving. They, under certain exposure conditions, can even cause death.
If you think I am alarmist or paranoid, I strongly urge you to check the above. All data is public and I give you a
landmark. The FCC body that approves all electronic equipment in the united states, copying the communists (I have proof),
has set a maximum exposure limit of 0dBm (1mW / cm²) microwave signal for 30 minutes in 24 hours. This signal is 1m away
from a Wi-Fi router, the cellular phone is several times stronger than the router. And this router runs 1440 minutes in
24 hours, ie 24/7, in other words 24 out of 24 seven days a week, that is, non-stop. See where the problem is? You do not
see it ... read it, especially Quantum Physics.
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of these invisible rays. Every human organ, near the transmitting center,
the cellular phone antennae, will be more or less affected, depending on the degree of exposure to harmful radiation.
See also what I wrote about radiation illness, and if you think this
information needs to be known by others, spread it. You do not keep them secret. Secrets will kill us for days.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my adventures "Soap bubbles" .
In this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone.