Among all the legends that are caught today is the continued agitation for "a healthy diet" . Nothing is more true
than previously stated. But, has anyone asked for obesity to be triggered by something other than eating?
"I do not eat much but still, I grew uncontrolled"
You have heard many times, people who claim they do not eat, yet they get fat. Until recently, I was saying
fairy tales. I could not believe that. I say they are liars who are hiding in hiding and licking themselves,
that they do not eat much. Meanwhile, things have taken a turn, at least, curious. I started to think things
logically. Again we have come to a curious correlation. But, after I stood to judge it, without having
any preconceived ideas, it starts logically. Unfortunately, the arguments make it more and more logical.
This does not mean that it is not a strange correlation that many, due to the lack of knowledge gained
at high school physics, ignore them.
I've noticed in time that certain doses of radiation create mucosal reactions. I have sneaked uncontrollably a
few times, in close connection with the electronic equipment that started next to me. The same goes for the
digestive system. This system, although inside the body, is an interface between the body and the environment.
It is mainly a great gateway to the intake of nutrients from the environment into the blood. It will carry
them to the places where they will be consumed to be transformed into the energy needed by the body.
For the most part, this digestive tract is composed of mucous membranes and semi-moist membranes. This
reduced humidity makes them much more sensitive to irritation caused by radiation. At the same time,
they are also highly populated with nerve cells. These cells are the ones that transmit the information
of hunger to the nervous system. If these cells are always irritated by radiation, they will send
false information of hunger. The nervous system will control the acid secretion and, implicitly,
we will feel hungry in the stomach and intestines. Then we will have to eat. Personally, during
the contamination period, I know I almost took a spoonful of pills to control stomach acidity.
Some, instead of the antacid pills, will eat to reduce the feeling of acidity.
This is one of the reasons why we are fattening. But in this case we eat. It does not really relate to
the previous hypothesis. It was about fattening without eating.
The correlation is much more hidden and has a logical explanation. In addition, it is suggested to me by
those who pollute. They took out some advertising slogans. They say they want to make us healthier. One
of them sounds like this: "To have a healthy life, take at least two liters of liquid daily." Well,
where is the explanation?
Knowing the physical and having the curiosity to look for the hidden things for ordinary mortals, I quickly
explained my motivation for this advertising slogan.
What are the beneficial properties of water? Why can she keep us from radiation?
I'm not going to get into technical details. Water has a very good property in this case. Heats up hard. Has heat or with
the new term "specific heating capacity" Cp = 4.1813 J / gK. In order to see how things stand, I have a few materials:
Copper Cp = 0.3816J / gK, Aluminum Cp = 0.9196J / gK, Steel Cp = 0.5022J / gK, Silver Cp = 0.2508J / a very high heat
requirement to heat up. So water gets heavier than other materials.
Did you know that water can protect us against overheating? We do not, instead, our cells know this physical reality.
Or radiation causes the cells to heat up. The cells will react to this attack by increasing the amount of water. This water
supplement is twice beneficial.
1. Make cellular fluid less viscous. This increases the cell's ability to transport heat through convection.
2. By the volume of water volume, the energy required to keep the cell from overheating is substantially increased. It
directly protects the cell against the action of burning high-frequency rays, which can otherwise destroy the cellular material.
But increasing the amount of water is not a very pleasant problem. It will make us swell like balloons. Even if we do not eat.
For the body is simple. It stops sweating and no longer removes water. He also has substantial fat reserves. The fat cell is a
cell that stores nutrients and water in the form of fatty compounds. The body prepares for war. Yes. Accumulates materials
that can be used in case of need.
Do not you think? You have all very skilled nutritionists. Questions that make a body when it prepares for heavy weather.
But if you do not, you can think of the bear. What does the bear do when the winter comes? Eat and get fat.
Well, so is our body. Even if we do not realize it. Our body makes bad weather supplies. He is already in war conditions.
A war we do not know about. An undeclared war is already triggered in our body. He struggles and we do not help him at all.
Sometimes we mess with a slimming cure. Even if you eat a little. Your body needs water and it will accumulate it to protect
itself. Whether you eat or stink. I do not think he'll ask you in any way. In this case, a slimming cure becomes extremely
dangerous, leaving the body without natural defense against exposure to radiation.
A proof of what has been said above is under everyone's eyes. You have carefully looked at a family from country to farm.
The man, who does not really deal with hoofing and agricultural work in the vegetable garden, being treated with wood in
the woods and the state on the chest, is slim, and the woman who grazes and stays exposed directly to the sun in the
field is wide in the pool and with extremely thick legs, no matter how many children it would have had. This is not
seen in young women, even if they were born or not. A very plausible explanation is that due to the long exposure to
solar radiation, the woman's body collects water to protect her from the unfortunate action of overexposure to the
sun's rays. This increases the volume of water slowly in the body and consequently increases the volume of the woman's
pelvis. She is not obese. its meat does not show massive accumulations of adipose material, instead its cells are
"flooded" by protective water.
In addition, our bad habits will not help our body as well. Becoming fatter. We will tend to stay more at the tablet or on
the cellular phone. In this case, a chain reaction occurs with the effect of accelerating the phenomenon described above.
We will increase the radiation dose, and the body will do what it can to protect itself. It will accumulate more water.
We will go to the gym to do sports, but we will not do anything to diminish the real cause. In this way the body will be
subjected to extra stress. And that's because many sports Wi-Fi devices are in a gym. It's like the hell. This reaction
will soon lead to overloading the body and it will crumble. It dies for this reason. Yes. And the big surprise is that
young people, young people and children die.
Unfortunately, many people underestimate the power of these invisible rays. Every human organ, near the transmitting center,
the cellular phone antennae, will be more or less affected, depending on the degree of exposure to harmful radiation.
See also what I wrote about radiation illness, and if you think this
information needs to be known by others, spread it. You do not keep them secret. Secrets will kill us for days.
As an alternative, for proper documentation, read the book with my adventures "Soap bubbles" .
In this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations explained to everyone.