Being a "modern disease" and extremely serious, AUTISM, it affects extremely many individuals, reaching a spread of "a man of
a hundred." This quota must alarm ourselves to the fullest extent. The problem of autism at such a high degree should
be very worrying.
Causes of autism are very common and ubiquitous on the planet.
Any cell phone carrier, any electrical appliance in our home, contributes to the development of the causal factors of autism.
Man was born in an environment favorable to the development of his life. On the other hand, with this development,
it began slowly, slowly, to play the environment in which it still lives. I say, "yet," because if it continues to
throw garbage everywhere, this environment will become very hostile to the further development of man and all other things.
Technological, chaotic development will create a hostile environment for life if we do not take the time to protect and protect
the environment we live in.
But, let's go back to Autism. Autism fits perfectly into the range of illnesses caused by technology out of control. As I have
the good habit of reporting to other sources, I will also send you to read the article in
Wikipedia. This article is a phrase that I enjoy. Finally, the world begins to see the truth. Although only half is the truth
somewhere over there. At least the possibility of a double cause is accepted. The accepted causes being: a genetic one and a strong
influence of environmental factors .
Autism is caused only by environmental factors. Autism is a stage of radiation illness.
The cause of Autism, and it is only one, is the ever-increasing exposure of living cells to harmful electromagnetic pollution. The
imaginary causes, as if due to genetic defects, are just another attempt to cover the truth with a misinformation mist. The effect
of this misinformation is simply the prolongation of the time of finding the truth. The real cause is, increasingly, aggressive every
day. Its effects can no longer be held, for a long time, under pricing. Those who generate this pollution will do their best to conceal
the truth, and I will do all that depends on me, that you will learn the truth, the naked truth of the Goliath. But for that, you will
have to escape from dogmas and think with your own mind , not guided by the invisible rails, by which some try to
impose a way of thinking.
Presentation of the mechanism of producing AUTISM.
Let's have some discussion coordinates. I will start with the first and the most important. Whether you want to accept or not, the
physical laws are immutable. I know physics, probably, and you will know physically. Then we'll get along perfectly. If you do not
know the physical laws you can start fighting me. But, I'm telling you from now on, you have absolutely no argument. Better turn
to physics and you will see causality alone in its great splendor.
Here's how AUTISM is produced, in simple and easy steps to combat or demonstrate:
1. A future mum, misled by advertising slogans, the temptation of the new and the chimera of access to information, exposes its embryo,
the future human being, to internal environmental conditions, hostile to life. Look at the image to see how much justice we have and
what dangerous habits we have developed in these last few years. This poor, modern but very damaging habit creates a hostile
environment for embryo development. The mother's uterus no longer offers protection against these harmful factors. It is
not a shield against electromagnetic radiation from the microwave field emitted by the cellular phone antenna, radiation that has
to pass at least 5000m. Radiation passes through the mother's stomach like a knife through cheese. And what is most dangerous, the
antenna of most cell phones, is positioned at the bottom of the phone, the closest part to the developing embryo. You need to
understand the antennas by antenna. A smart phone cell phone has at least a transmitter floor inside it. A transmitter is a
communication device that performs two operations: 1. receives electromagnetic signals (not hazardous) and 2. emits electromagnetic
signals (extremely dangerous in an area near the transmitter).
2. Gambling plays an important role here. Depending on the time the mummy, idiotic or uninformed, allocates to digital transmission
from the microwave generating equipment, the small embryo will develop one of the many "genetic causes" diseases in the broad sense
of uninformed physicians. In fact, in ignorance, physicians confuse the burning of parts of the embryo with genetic defects. That
the action of the harmful factors takes place before birth does not mean that they are genetic defects. It just means that the embryo
has not been protected from the influences of the hostile environment that has become the uterus of such a mummy by being linked to
3. Life will do its best to survive this attack. So the embryo will be born, even under these conditions hostile to life. But the born
baby does not have everything he needs. He has the same genetic dowry, but he, as an individual, has serious malfunctions in operation.
His wheels, those in the brain, do not work normally. Not all, only those affected by the fatidy moment. Here again comes the
environmental element, this time, the social one. The child with severe brain deficits enters the world with severe disabilities,
with a slowdown in brain functions, and reaches a troubled family to get to the great garbage of information that the Internet
represents and is no longer mindful of natural needs of the little born. Then the body, already physically affected, receives the
second fatal shock. It receives the shock of alienation, the indifference of the environment to its needs, even to hostility. At
that moment, life, through its superior command, withdraws into the relative safety coil. The brain creates another world
image, a false security image. Create the security zone for that individual. Yes, the brain constantly thinks he is in a
safe area. In this way, the child retires in the shell provided by his brain and is excluded from the social environment.
Although, at first sight, it seems to be of a psychic and social nature, autism is, in fact, organic. The
individual's brain, even from conception, is forced to work in a hostile environment. He will do everything as the accessory
body works relatively normally. So it will create the survival conditions, even at the price of a huge lie, and will lie to him
that only his inner universe offers him the true protection he needs.
I would like to be wrong, but everything, everything from what I wrote on this website is confirmed. It will be
getting worse on planet Earth. Now the garbage is invisible, undetectable with normal senses, it is only seen through the devices.
Because of poor people's education, this garbage still has an essential asset. It's also very difficult to understand.
Greed has made it extremely attractive. Cellular phones, in my view, have only one major flaw. Cell phones are transient.
They emit in the immediate vicinity of our cells, where harmful electromagnetic waves. The fact that you are stinging because of
the Internet is far less important, it is a perverse side effect. Transmitters physically affect the human cell, fry it.
See for more details and: radiation illness or "cold burn" or read the book with my adventures
"Soap bubbles ". In this book you will find many explanations and scientific demonstrations
explained to everyone. Unfortunately, I personally do not think anything can be done for the recovery of these
sick people ... Autism is a state of fact, an effect the perversion of aggressive technological development in recent years,
perhaps there is hope for those affected brains.I say this because in my case, the effects of radiation exposure turned out
to be reversible even though I was exposed for more than 16 years to them at top level. Even now I am exposed but the last four years at
low level of exposure. Maybe there are still hopes.